Students gave professors they thought were male [in online courses where gender identity was altered without students’ knowledge] much higher evaluations across the board than they did professors they thought were female, regardless of what gender the professors actually were. When they told students they were men, both the male and female professors got a bump in ratings. When they told the students they were women, they took a hit in ratings. The risks for levitra prices canada the onset of postpartum depression and anxiety was present in women who have not conceived or nursing. The Magento eCommerce platform is sufficiently scalable, flexible and canadian viagra 100mg ready for your increasing online business targets. The cheap price of the order cheap cialis converted this stand like cialis and many people who require this medicine daily. Natural Treatments For Relief of Inflammation And Depression Symptoms For decades, buy levitra canada NSAIDs have been broadly recommended for various aspects of flu-like symptoms or sickness-related behaviors. Because everything else was the same about them, this difference has to be the result of gender bias.
A small study, as they note. Still: hiring and promotion committees, take note. Find the story at Slate’s “XXFactor.”
Maybe I’ll add this information to my “first day of class” talk on why I practice anonymous grading, implicit bias, etc!