“I keep telling you… I can’t get in the building”

In this recent article from The Guardian, Frances Ryan (who reports frequently on disability issues) draws attention to the following Kafka-esque situation. Disabled people in the UK whose eligibility for benefits has to be assessed (ie, to check they are disabled enough to be eligible for support) are required to report to assessment centres. In 40% of cases, the centres are not accessible to people with disabilities.

This picture of a quote from the Guardian article reads "A deaf man in Southend-on-Sea told me he was sent to an assessment building where the only entry was through an intercom"

IMAGE SOURCE: The Guardian

Disabled claimants are then promptly sanctioned for non-attendance (have their benefits withdrawn) or else are assessed as fit enough to work (and have their benefits withdrawn). This isn’t a new situation – it’s not that the buildings have suddenly become inaccessible – but the response of officialdom over the last couple of years is increasingly rigid and punitive.
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In my experience, nondisabled people find it hard to believe when disabled people claim that things like this happen all the time. (Those of us so inclined can take this as a classic example of testimonial epistemic injustice.) They also find it hard to credit that, as one person interviewed in this report suggests, “This is deliberate…. They know we can’t access the building.”

I’m not sure that individual offices are deliberately chosen to be inaccessible, nor that individual claimants are being targeted. But somewhere along the line, at some higher level, a conscious decision has been taken: that disabled people are a group of citizens who nevertheless can effectively be left by the side of the road, because the present UK government feels confident it get away with doing so. Nothing else can adequately explain the complete lack of response to individual complaints, collective protest, or the growing climate of utter contempt and indifference towards disabled people.

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