FAB Affinity Group session at ASBH in September on crossover between feminist bioethics and disability bioethics

We are very excited to announce details on the Feminist Approaches to Bioethics affinity group session (organized by Lindsey Grubbs, Case Western Reserve University) at ASBH 2024, which will take place from 1-2pm CST on Friday, Sept. 20. We have a panel of three speakers making remarks at the intersection of feminist ethics and disability ethics: 

  • Kara Ayers, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Hospital Medical Center, will speak on “Reproductive Justice at the Intersection: Feminist and Disability Ethics.”
  • Alison Reiheld, Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, will present “’This world isn’t big enough for the both of us’: Fatness, disability, and making spaces.” 
  • Jada Wiggleton-Little, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at The Ohio State University, will deliver “Normalizing Bodies in Pain” 

Please come to hear these fabulous talks – and bring a friend! If you are a member of the affinity group and are not able to attend the session in person, we plan to stream it over zoom to make it as accessible as possible. The link for this session will be https://cwru.zoom.us/j/95313150743?pwd=O9aBQudjgbSBai1APb1CQKKEMxRdHI.1

We would also like to plan a more informal time for us to gather at the conference, and are currently working on a 5pm happy hour. More to come as the conference draws nearer! —— 

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