How to be a feminist bioethics scholar on social media? An essay by philosopher Nathan Nobis.

There is no shortage of social media quite literally making the news, whether as a topic of news coverage or as people’s sources of news information, despite being rife with misinformation. How (or if) scholars should be on social media … Continue reading

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Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Works-In-Progress Session

On Monday, April 3rd at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern (find your local time zone here) the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) affinity group on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics is hosting a virtual works-in-progress session for scholars to get feedback … Continue reading

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Argentina’s legislature passes bill legalizing abortion

As 2020 comes to a close, we have news out of Argentina that decades of feminist pro-choice activism have come to fruition: the Senate has passed a bill that came through the House recently, decriminalizing abortion up through 14 weeks … Continue reading

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What counts as adequate access to abortion care in a pandemic? A perspective from Canada

Left to Right: Martha Paynter and Francoise BaylisBaskin Robbions, the ice cream brand, is also slurping up the benefits; it recently launched its loyalty pilot programme in a few cities. prescription female viagra Clicking Here However, there are a few … Continue reading

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The American Medical Association has been “neutral” on state abortion law. That has ended.

The American Medical Association is intervening in the rapid increase of state legal restrictions on abortion for the first time, according to an article published in TIME magazine this morning. The American Medical Association is suing North Dakota to block … Continue reading

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ACOG response to recent public rhetoric on the New York state abortion law and other discussions of “late abortion”

As you may know, the US has recently been in the throes of an impassioned debate over abortion. There has recently been a great deal of discussion of New York’s new abortion law, and on Virginia politicians’ claims about late … Continue reading

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Thinking about abortion beyond “pro-life” and “pro-choice”

I have been seeing so much about the New York abortion law debate that I feel almost compelled to say a few words about it. The law states that a physician “may perform an abortion when, according to the practitioner’s … Continue reading

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Woman’s Body as Public Property: Title X and Reproductive Choice in Trump’s America

Initiated in 1970, Title X is the only federal grant that is solely dedicated to providing family-planning funding, with a focus on serving low-income populations. The Title X program historically allowed all women, regardless of economic circumstances, access to birth … Continue reading

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Founding member of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Network, Brazilian bioethicist Prof Debora Diniz, in hiding due to death threats

Yesterday, The Guardian reported on the dire straits afflicting Debora Diniz in Brazil. Diniz, a founding member of the Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Network (FABnet) which birthed IJFAB and consequently this blog, has gone into hiding. Diniz has long experienced harassment in … Continue reading

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Outcome of Irish abortion vote: Repeal of the 8th

I appreciated Sorcha’s excellent blog the other day in the lead-up to the Irish vote on whether to repeal the 8th amendment which was added to the Irish constitution 25 years ago. For more background, check it out.  But I … Continue reading

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‘No’ means we keep the Status Quo: A ‘yes’ vote is the only morally acceptable result in Ireland’s Abortion Referendum

Editor’s Note: Irish philosopher Sorcha Uí Chonnachtaigh is a long-time member of the Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Network, and writes for IJFAB Blog today on the upcoming urgent vote on whether to keep Ireland’s 8th amendment. As has long been noted, … Continue reading

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IJFAB Blog series: Responses to the Trump Administration’s policies on medical conscience claims

As you may have heard, the Trump Administration has announced an expanded policy on conscientious objection in medicine, with institutional support in the form of a Department of Health and Human Services office that will be responsible for protecting objectors. … Continue reading

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