Don’t Tread on Me: The Irony of Opting out of Vaccination in an Era of Decreasing Reproductive Freedom

In a recent New York Times op-ed, Saad Omer, an associate professor of global health, epidemiology, and pediatrics at Emory University, suggested several reasonable measures to “nudge” vaccines skeptics into vaccinating their children. “We should borrow a concept from behavioral … Continue reading

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Where can I go? Conscientious Objection, the Catholic Church, and Patient Access to Care

Catholic hospitals control 1 out of every 9 hospital beds in the United States, either through direct administration or mergers with other health care systems; in eight states, they control more than 30% of beds. According to a 2013 article … Continue reading

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Not All Objectification Is Sexual:
The Return of the Fetal Container

PJW Note: This post originally appeared on October 28, 2013. Yet, as a recent Op-ed in The New York Times, “Pregnant, and No Civil Rights,” clearly demonstrates, the problems Reiheld addresses have only gotten worse. With over 2,000 hits in the past three days, … Continue reading

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Not All Objectification Is Sexual: The Return of the Fetal Container

PJW Note: This post originally appeared on October 28, 2013. Yet, as a recent Op-ed in The New York Times, “Pregnant, and No Civil Rights,” clearly demonstrates, the problems Reiheld addresses have only gotten worse. With over 2,000 hits in the past three days, … Continue reading

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Further Thoughts on the Case of Imprisoned Mother Jennifer Whalen

Guest post by Karey Harwood, Ph.D. (Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, NC State University) Jennifer Whalen, the 39-year old mother who has been jailed in Pennsylvania for procuring an abortion-inducing medication (formerly called RU-486) for her 16-year old daughter, … Continue reading

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“A Mother in Jail for Helping Her Daughter Have an Abortion”

Colleagues, If we can’t do something to help women like this, we need to reorganize. Not only does this continue the immoral intrusion by the church and the state into the reproductive destinies of women, but it also imposes unwarranted … Continue reading

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“France Just Passed A Sweeping Gender Equality Law To Make It Easier To Get An Abortion”

A little bit of good news on the world stage: The new abortion policy, which was proposed by the minister for women’s rights and has been debated among lawmakers since the beginning of this year, is just one of the … Continue reading

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“Australia queries ‘moral responsibility’ over abandoned Down’s baby”

A complication of transnational surrogacy: what happens when the contracting couple/parent(s) decide after birth that they do not want the child? In this case, one of two twins carried by a surrogate was born with Down syndrome. His “healthy” sister … Continue reading

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“Replacing Myths with Facts: Sex-Selective Abortion Laws in the United States”

Legislators and major news outlets have stated that the United States is one of the few countries that does not prohibit abortion for sex selection purposes. However, the eight states in the United States that currently ban sex-selective abortion are … Continue reading

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“New Anti-Abortion Legislation Requires Doctors To Scale 18-Foot Wall Surrounding Clinic”

From “America’s Finest New Source,” The Onion: Authorization for the clinic walls reportedly sailed through the state legislature and was quickly signed by Gov. Bryant, despite failed amendments from a small group of Democrats that would have reduced the wall’s … Continue reading

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“New Anti-Abortion Legislation Requires Doctors To Scale 18-Foot Wall Surrounding Clinic”

From “America’s Finest New Source,” The Onion: Authorization for the clinic walls reportedly sailed through the state legislature and was quickly signed by Gov. Bryant, despite failed amendments from a small group of Democrats that would have reduced the wall’s … Continue reading

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The Pendulum Swings? Spain faces a return to an era of very restricted access to abortion

  In 1985, Spain passed laws restricting a woman’s right to abortion, the so-called “Organic Law” governing reproductive health and abortion. Under this law, abortion was legal in only three cases: serious risk to physical or mental health of the … Continue reading

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