TENTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE OF IJFAB is an embarassment of riches

Our parent journal, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, is celebrating its 10th anniversary.  Lo those many years ago in Spring of 2008, our first issue, Doing Feminist Bioethics, was published. In the second issue, Lyerly, Little, and Faden’s article on … Continue reading

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Each English language user is about to meet their language’s new gender neutral singular pronoun, with the release of the new Associated Press Stylebook

For some time now, there has been a movement to address the English language’s need for a gender neutral singular pronoun. This need originates in the growing realization that using “he” to refer to a person whose gender you do … Continue reading

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“Why kids — now more than ever — need to learn philosophy. Yes, philosophy.”

I know this is preaching to the choir, but it’s nice to see this sort of argument appearing in the Washington Post: Under this model, kids go through a kind of philosophical apprenticeship where they learn by doing. The teacher’s job is to … Continue reading

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FAB 2016 Call for Papers

FAB 2016 Call for Papers The cause among younger men is http://www.slovak-republic.org/marriage/ cheap levitra tablets usually psychological such as stress and depression. You can get a pack discount cialis of these soft medicines. There are natural find description ordine cialis … Continue reading

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Elizabeth Barnes on
What it’s Like to be a Philosopher

The conversation is wide-ranging, but here is an excellent (I think!) response to a pressing question in the profession: Why is there so little diversity in philosophy?  I suspect the answer to this is incredibly complex and multi-dimensional. But at … Continue reading

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“Philosophy saved me from poverty and drugs:
That’s why I teach it to kids”

Largely because of the access I had to philosophy, I was brought safely away from the edge of the abyss that my life teetered above. But is my story just an anomaly? Is it or yet another tale of social … Continue reading

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A new generation of feminists are calling on popular feminism to adopt the rhetoric of action over identity

As Director of the SIUE Women’s Studies program, I am fortunate to come into contact with young feminists with a wide variety of ideas about what feminism means to them, and the shape it should take to be most effective. … Continue reading

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Guns versus Dildos: The Ultimate Texas Showdown

Here in Texas, everyone is up in arms (pun intended) about the new campus carry law, which, starting August 2016, will allow persons with a concealed handgun permit to carry their concealed handgun onto college campuses and, pending university policies, … Continue reading

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IJFAB 8.2, Special Issue Just Food, Now Available!

You can find the table of contents at Project Muse. Editor Mary C. Rawlinson’s introduction, Administer the prescription with any sildenafil generic from canada natural liquid as it is an all-inclusive dissolvable. However, there http://opacc.cv/opacc/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/.._documentos_auditores_Modelo%2038.pdf levitra generika are none of … Continue reading

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CFP: 10th Anniversary Issue

CALL FOR PAPERS IJFAB: Vol. 10, No. 1: 10th Anniversary Issue IJFAB welcomes feminist scholarship from any discipline on ethical issues related to health, health care, and the biomedical sciences, or to the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health. For … Continue reading

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Alice Dreger Resigns in Protest Over Academic Freedom

A real loss for Northwestern, though one can’t say they didn’t provoke it. Find the story at the Chronicle. You can obtain the “Bad Girls” issue of Atrium here. … Continue reading

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“The moral naivete of ethics by numbers”

Susan Dwyer (University of Maryland): What do bioethicists do? According to a recent Boston Globe op-ed by the Harvard cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker, they needlessly get in the way of saving and improving human lives by throwing up ethical red tape and slowing … Continue reading

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