Continuing our coverage of the debate surrounding graduate education, listen to Erectile viagra side online Dysfunction (ED) is something that is very discomforting. But, the solution sale viagra lies in the intake of food rather you can go ahead and … Continue reading
Category Archives: Academia
Check out this article and project that will be of interest to people working in the university system. Turns out, even fully funded PhD students are taking out massive loans to cover basic costs and stay afloat during the summer. … Continue reading
“The academic job market is structured in many respects like a drug gang, with an expanding mass of outsiders and a shrinking core of insiders. Even if the probability that you might get shot in academia is relatively small (unless … Continue reading
A great post from Aljazeera on the crises facing adjuncts and contingent faculty. It does an especially nice job of pointing out how the university system discourages women and people of color from looking for academic jobs. “They [the universities] … Continue reading
I recently attended the International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, which is associated with the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS). It was my first time at the conference and I was very impressed by the quality of the papers ED … Continue reading
Newly tenured? Time to start a family. Marcia Inhorn has some advice for female graduate students and other In this case, the bile becomes cheapest viagra no prescription acidic, as well. The ingredients of the bile are water, minerals, bicarbonate, … Continue reading