Feminist Bioethics Scholar Spotlight: Supriya Subramani

This installment of the Feminist Bioethics Scholar Spotlight series features Supriya Subramani, a lecturer at the University of Sydney in Australia who engages ethnographic and phenomenological methods to questions of morality, behavior, and attitudes in healthcare contexts. Dr. Subramani has … Continue reading

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World Bioethics Day 2024: Bioethics and Gaza

Today is World Bioethics Day and the global theme is “non-discrimination and non-stigmatization.” The ongoing genocide in Gaza is an extreme example of discrimination and stigmatization, a health crisis, and a global injustice. We’re using today to add to our … Continue reading

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October 19th is World Bioethics Day

Did you know that World Bioethics Day was established in 2015? It is celebrated every October 19th. This year’s theme is “Non-Discrimination and Non-Stigmatization” – a topic ripe for, and in many ways reflecting, feminist approaches to bioethics. (How) are … Continue reading

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IAB/FAB Congress in Qatar and New IAB President

This June the International Association of Bioethics (IAB) and Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB) is meeting at the World Congress of Bioethics/FAB Congress in Qatar, where the new IAB President was announced to be Dr. Caesar Atuire. Dr. Atuire is … Continue reading

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New Articles of Interest

Check out these recently published articles likely to be of interest to feminist bioethicists! Siobhan de Lange, Dee Muller, & Chloe Dafkin, “Biomedical research on autism in low- and middle-income countries: Considerations from the South African context,” Developing World Bioethics … Continue reading

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Feminist Bioethics Scholar Spotlight: Regina Müller

This installment of the Feminist Bioethics Scholar Spotlight series features Regina Müller. Dr. Müller is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bremen. Her professional background is in philosophy, history of arts (University Regensburg), and … Continue reading

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In The News: Trans Health is a Local and Global Issue

2024 is kicking off with… a lot of proposed anti-trans legislation and policies. Aspects of anti-trans sentiment and action can feel very particular to local, regional, or national politics and attitudes. Yet the fact of anti-trans legislation and regulation is … Continue reading

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Upcoming Feminist/Bioethics Conference Roundup

A handful of upcoming conferences that would be great places to submit or experience new works in feminist approaches to bioethics. Calls for Proposals due May 15th, 2023 The History & Philosophy of Pregnancy – a hybrid conference at the … Continue reading

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Urgent Care and Systemic Damage: Health Issues in the Wake of the earthquake affecting Syria and Turkey

Hi, folks. IJFAB Blog Editors, here, with a quick roundup of links about the health and ethical issues that arise in the wake of any natural disaster, and specifically last week’s earthquake affecting Syria and Turkey. The death toll is … Continue reading

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Global COVID Vaccine distribution is a central concern for global bioethics, and feminist bioethics’ attention to patterns of power and injustice

In June of 2020, when US President Trump formally expressed his intention to withdraw from the WHO just as the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic had become clear, this also meant withdrawing from COVAX, the international program intended to change … Continue reading

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Argentina’s legislature passes bill legalizing abortion

As 2020 comes to a close, we have news out of Argentina that decades of feminist pro-choice activism have come to fruition: the Senate has passed a bill that came through the House recently, decriminalizing abortion up through 14 weeks … Continue reading

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Disablism In a Time of Pandemic: Some Things Don’t Change

The Covid-19 pandemic is currently accompanied by a parallel outbreak of bioethical and clinical ethical discussion offering guidance for the difficult decisions that healthcare professionals and others face as the pandemic develops. Right at the moment there is a strong … Continue reading

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