Telling Tales: Narratives About Black Men and Obesity

EDITOR’S NOTE: This entry was originally published on IJFAB Blog December 19 of 2014.  In the early hours of July 5, 2016, Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge, LA was shot dead by police. He was a father, selling CDs outside … Continue reading

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Feminist Swag: Sellouts or sell out?

Have you ever wanted to tell the world you are a feminist without speaking? Have you ever wanted a t-shirt that shows what intersectional feminism can by by depicting Rosie the riveter as women of color, women wearing headscarves, tall … Continue reading

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Women: Not Faring So Well on Wikipedia

From The New Yorker, “A Feminist Edit-a-Thon Seeks to Reshape Wikipedia“: In spite of the site’s ostensibly egalitarian, accessible format, more than ninety per cent of its editors are male, according to a study conducted in 2011 by the Wikimedia Foundation. … Continue reading

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“Why Some Men Are Above the Law”

Martha C. Nussbaum on sexual assault, celebrity culture, and the law: Bill Cosby has been finally charged with sexual assault. For anyone who has followed the case, one striking aspect is how late an actual indictment has come, and after … Continue reading

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Emotional Labor Strikes a Popular Chord on the Web: Women Definitely Not Getting their Cut

Readers of this blog are likely already familiar with the concept of emotional labor—and very much aware that it is overwhelmingly done by women and overwhelmingly without formal recompense or proper acknowledgement. You also know that many people, unfortunately, are not. … Continue reading

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“What does it actually mean when somebody complains about political correctness?”

(By Tom Toles People have often been known to suffer from levitra online chronic heart ailments and instead of spending thousands of dollars securing celebs for marketing campaigns, he simply gives his newfound friends free merchandise. For tab sildenafil example, people … Continue reading

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“The Central Question in the Bill Cosby Criminal Case”

We’ve blogged about the ever-mounting allegations of rape that have been emerging against Bill Cosby several times in the past. My own proposal about what he ought to do, it seems safe to say, is no longer an option. As … Continue reading

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George Yancy Interviews bell hooks for The Stone

I live in a small, predominantly white town in the Bible Belt. Rather than saying, “What would Jesus do?” I always think, “What does Martin Luther King want me to do today?” Then I decide what Martin Luther King wants … Continue reading

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“Against the False Narratives of Anorexia”

Find at Slate an extended personal reflection by Katy Waldman concerning anorexia and its etiology, with a special focus on the role of literature and narrative. A few excerpts: More fundamentally, though, anorexia is an inveterate liar whose grand theme is your … Continue reading

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“Our mandatory breast-feeding fetish:
“Race, class, big business and the new politics of motherhood”

Initiatives like the Big Latch On and The Milk Truck strike me as positive examples of breastfeeding advocacy. Their goal is to protect women’s ability to choose how and where to feed their children. But as I’ve discovered again and … Continue reading

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“Just Modeling?: The Modeling Industry, Eating Disorders, and the Law”

The University of Toronto Press blog is currently featuring an interview with Galya Hildesheimer and Hemda Gur-Arie (both at the School of Law at the Peres Academic Center, Rehovot, Israel), co-authors of IJFAB essay from which this post takes its title. Follow … Continue reading

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A new generation of feminists are calling on popular feminism to adopt the rhetoric of action over identity

As Director of the SIUE Women’s Studies program, I am fortunate to come into contact with young feminists with a wide variety of ideas about what feminism means to them, and the shape it should take to be most effective. … Continue reading

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