The latest episode of FAB Gab is out, and in this episode, Keisha Ray discusses her plenary address from FAB Congress in Basel, in July 2022.
Here’s an excerpt from the conversation:
“We’re seeing a lot of bioethicists saying bioethics has to do better about black Americans, we have to do better about them, we have to do better about including them in our work, whether that be empirical bioethics, whether that be just thinking about how I work can impact them as a marginalized group. And so for me, one thing that comes out of this is that we may have to do bioethics slightly different, it doesn’t mean that we have to abandon what we like about it, or what we love. What drew us to bioethics? What made us pick that over some other kind of discipline, you know, in grad school, or whatever, it doesn’t mean that we have to sort of start all over. But it does mean that maybe we can move a little bit differently…”
Keisha Ray on what Black Bioethics means
You can listen to the episode here, and also keep your eyes peeled for Keisha’s forthcoming book, Black Health, from Oxford University Press.
FAB Gab is hosted and produced by Kathryn MacKay.