About Editor

Alison Reiheld, Emma Tumilty, Mercer Gary, and Elizabeth Lanphier are the co-Editors of IJFAB Blog

Each English language user is about to meet their language’s new gender neutral singular pronoun, with the release of the new Associated Press Stylebook

For some time now, there has been a movement to address the English language’s need for a gender neutral singular pronoun. This need originates in the growing realization that using “he” to refer to a person whose gender you do … Continue reading

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Ebola Stigma and Lack of Access to Care in Liberia Cost the Life of an Ebola Fighter After Complications of Childbirth

Salome Karwah was recognized by Time magazine as an Ebola fighter during the 2015 Ebola outbreak. She died February 21 from complications of childbirth by C-section. Days after the procedure, she collapsed from a seizure and began foaming at the … Continue reading

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‘Mom, I want to die, you can go in the Canada. I want to die in the snow, you can go, mom, in the Canada.’

Recent developments in American politics continue to exacerbate the migration on foot of refugees from the US to Canada. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has been covering this trend, and we at IJFAB Blog have also been watching. In a new … Continue reading

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“You suffer. That is enough for me.”

Thanks to Gretchen Case for this image of the Pasteur Memorial at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.  It is a timely reminder as the context for global public health shifts, and many powerful nations (US, UK, France, and other European … Continue reading

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International Efforts to Mitigate the effects of Trump’s Expanded Mexico City Policy

Just a quick update on Trump’s expanded Mexico City Policy AKA the “global gag rule”, which we previously addressed.  The Netherlands are leading an effort to implement a fund which would replace funding stripped from organizations under the expanded U.S. … Continue reading

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Not Business As Usual: President Trump reinstates Mexico City Policy with a substantive addition

On January 23, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump reinstated Reagan’s so-called Mexico City Policy, also known as the “global gag rule.”  In the process, he also added text that makes a substantive change going farther than any U.S. national-level anti-abortion … Continue reading

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Repeal and Replace with….?

EDIT: 19 minutes after this blog posted, the NY Times released this (screenshot taken 1 hr 14 minutes after blog posted).  Keep it in mind as you read. For the first time in quite some while, the same political party … Continue reading

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“My death seems to me less bad”: Derek Parfit died January 1, 2017

Philosopher Derek Parfit was known for many things, though chiefly for his work on identity which is of great interest to medical ethicists. How can one say that one is the same thing over time?  And how does this bear … Continue reading

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A Shift in the Anti-Abortion Movement: Are feminist woman-centered values gaining ground?

In April, the IJFAB Blog editor provided some information on pro-life feminism in an entry called “Pro-Life Feminism: A Catholic feminist philosopher considers the consequences of punishing women for seeking abortions” mentioning both Sidney Callahan’s famous essay on the subject and … Continue reading

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Midwifery as feminist endeavor: a particular blog entry and a blog recommendation

Over at Feminist Midwife, the eponymous author writes about the nature of midwifery and why they see it as inherently feminist. In 2014, they also addressed the well-known (by bioethicists) issues with whether informed consent really takes place or whether, … Continue reading

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Women have exclusively borne the side effects of hormonal contraceptives since their invention. Is it time for men?

Medicine has been searching for a hormonal contraceptive for men for some time.  Recent news trumpeted the withdrawal of a number of men from clinical trials of male hormonal contraceptive injections due to the side effects.  While this editor recently … Continue reading

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Oral Contraceptives and Informed Choice

As reported by PBS, a large scale study indicates that depression as a known side effect of oral contraceptives affects young women most of all. The research, published in JAMA Psychiatry, is the first ever to draw a connection between birth … Continue reading

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