Editor’s Note: We have had a few blogs that reference The Handmaid’s Tale since Season 1 of the Hulu series began in 2017, and one that did so several years ago which had a lively discussion in the comments. Here, Laura … Continue reading
Category Archives: Legislation
As you may know, the US is in the midst of the Republican party’s long-promised efforts to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare. Earlier this year, the US House of Representatives passed a bill called the American … Continue reading
A June 15, 2017 article found at AllAfrica, and drawing on work by The Guardian, summarizes some of the arguments made at a recent Its effectiveness in erectile cialis active dysfunction has yet to be determined, the classification turns out … Continue reading
Surprising absolutely no one who follows the history of intersex treatment in the United States, BBC Radio 4 has a recent story about the history of intersex treatment in the UK with the provocative headline “Intersex Patients ‘Routinely Lied To … Continue reading
In 1996, historian of science Edward Tenner published his influential book Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences. It is an extended consideration of how technology comes to demand much of us even as it frees us from … Continue reading
EDITOR’S NOTE: Bioethicist Rory Kraft brings us this handy explanation of the complicated legislative processes in the U.S. Congress, and offers some recommendations for ethicists’ involvement in American healthcare reform going forward. For Kraft’s previous IJFAB Blog reflections on health … Continue reading
GUEST CONTRIBUTORS Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra (Dr. sc. med., Research Associate, Liminal Spaces Project; Teaching Fellow, School of Law; Executive committee member, Mason Institute; University of Edinburgh Law School, UK) Verina Wild (Dr. med., Philosophy Department, Ludwig-Maximilians- University Munich, Germany) Social media … Continue reading
EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece’s posting was delayed by technical errors. However, the analysis of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) is still pressing and relevant. While the bill was pulled from a planned House vote in the US Congress on … Continue reading
EDIT: 19 minutes after this blog posted, the NY Times released this (screenshot taken 1 hr 14 minutes after blog posted). Keep it in mind as you read. For the first time in quite some while, the same political party … Continue reading
What is happening to our world? Where has our sense of justice and justness gone? It seems like Brexit and The Donald are sounding the death knell of solidarity. They did not cause it; they are, rather, the dead canaries … Continue reading
Since Trump’s electoral college victory became apparent early Wednesday morning and especially since Secretary Clinton’s concession speech, many bioethicists–and many more American residents–have been wondering what a Trump Presidency means for the Affordable Care Act, AKA “Obamacare.” While the ACA … Continue reading
In the wake of the anti-abortion legislation we’ve seen from Utah, Indiana, Florida, Texas, and multiple other states, people across the country are forced once again to examine their beliefs around the legality and morality of the issue, especially in … Continue reading