Initiatives like the Big Latch On and The Milk Truck strike me as positive examples of breastfeeding advocacy. Their goal is to protect women’s ability to choose how and where to feed their children. But as I’ve discovered again and again while writing this book, breastfeeding advocacy too often crosses the line into lactivism, including compulsory breastfeeding, breastfeeding as a moral crusade, and breastfeeding as a means of distinguishing good from bad parents. When it does, it limits rather than protects women’s choices. Some lactivists have in fact described “choice” as the language of the enemy. Here you will be provided with the best sex doctor in Delhi, buy tadalafil without prescription we are going to discuss some mystical secrets you haven’t discovered about phallus. The hips represent the major male/female axis in the body irrespective of gender. levitra samples It has been a part purchase generic viagra of human life ever since Adam first set his eyes on Eve. Kamagra jellies or tablets levitra 60 mg have helped thousands of men to some degree. Their campaigns are specifically designed to undermine the idea that women can take into account their own individual circumstances—jobs, child-care options, and so on—when choosing how to feed their babies. At their most extreme, lactivists view breastfeeding as an end in itself—an activity to be defended at all costs, even when it threatens the health and well-being of babies and mothers.
Although not familiar with all of the medical literature, I do know that there is a lot of it and that the manifold benefits of breastfeeding are well-established — all of which makes it pretty much impossible for me to take “lactivism” seriously as a bioethical issue. The sociological analysis, which occupies the bulk of the article is, however, worth the read. (Its author, Courtney Jung, I should mention, is political scientist, not a doctor or a bioethicist.)
Or, if anyone agrees with Jung that the social pressures to breastfeed infringe upon a woman’s right to make her own choices about how to raise her child, I would invite you to provide a proper argument in the comments. Find the article at