“You’re scaring away all of our customers,” or Why Russia’s latest moral failure should not surprise you

So, a few days ago, this happened:

Supermodel Natalia Vodianova has ignited a firestorm of discussion about the rights of the disabled in her native Russia after her autistic sister was kicked out of a Nizhny Novgorod cafe by the owner, who allegedly accused her of scaring customers away.

In an August 12 Facebook post, Vodianova wrote that her 27-year-old sister Oksana, who has been diagnosed with autism and cerebral palsy, and Oksana’s caretaker stopped at the cafe the previous day to seek respite from the heat.

After the caretaker ordered a snack for Oksana, Vodianova wrote, the owner of the cafe approached the two women and told them: “Why don’t you leave? You’re scaring away all of our customers. Go get medical help for you and your child. And then go out in public.”

In response to Vodianova’s mother’s attempts to intervene,

a security guard threatened to “call the crazy house” and “lock you in the cellar” if the two women did not leave the premises….After her mother left the cafe with Oksana and the caretaker, they were confronted by police who told them they were being “detained for minor hooliganism…”

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1.  Disabled individuals (and especially disabled children) have been excluded, isolated, and otherwise denied their full human rights before, and during, the communist regime:   http://dsq-sds.org/article/view/936/1111

2.  Disabled individuals (and especially disabled children) are not doing much better in post-communist Russia:  http://www.rferl.mobi/a/26584457.html

The truth is this:  Official policies allow for (or, at best, ignore) widespread abuse of the disabled, including physical and psychological threats and public humiliation.  And for too long a time, the Russian public largely went along with the abuse; tapping into some of the darker aspects of Russian society, some enjoyed the ugly, oppressive displays.  One can only hope that now, with the presence of social media that thus far has, at least in part, managed to evade even Putin’s iron grip on information, these displays are obscured neither by the iron curtain nor by the quiet approval of the locals, changing the situation for those most affected by this national disgrace.  Sunlight being the best disinfectant and all….

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CFP: The Moral Psychology of Regret


Series Title: Moral Psychology of Emotions
Series Editor:  Mark Alfano 
Publisher:  Rowman & Littlefield International

Volume: The Moral Psychology of Regret
Volume Editor:  Anna Gotlib

Proposals are sought for chapters in a volume entitled The Moral Psychology of Regret, which is a part of a new series, entitled Moral Psychology of the Emotions (Rowman & Littlefield International) with Mark Alfano as series editor.  Anna Gotlib will be serving as the editor of the Regret volume, the proposed publication date for which is late 2017.

A few words of what the general series is about from the Rowman & Littlefield International page:

How do our emotions influence our other mental states (perceptions, beliefs, motivations, intentions) and our behaviour? How are they influenced by our other mental states, our environments, and our cultures? What is the moral value of a particular emotion in a particular context? This series explores the causes, consequences, and value of the emotions from an interdisciplinary perspective. Emotions are diverse, with components at various levels (biological, neural, psychological, social), so each book in this series is devoted to a distinct emotion. This focus allows the author and reader to delve into a specific mental state, rather than trying to sum up emotions en masse. Authors approach a particular emotion from their own disciplinary angle (e.g., conceptual analysis, feminist philosophy, critical race theory, phenomenology, social psychology, personality psychology, neuroscience) while connecting with other fields. In so doing, they build a mosaic for each emotion, evaluating both its nature and its moral properties.  Each volume will approach a particular emotion from multiple angles, with novel contributions both from philosophers employing a variety of methods and working in a variety of traditions and from philosophically-savvy scientists developing models in personality psychology, social psychology, neuroscience, and other fields.
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The particular volume on regret, as I interpret it, construes the emotion as broadly as possible.  Topics might include (but are in no way limited to):  regret related to loss; the rationality, functionality, and motivational force of regret;  regret’s influence on our present and future decision-making; the phenomenological experiences of regret; the relationship of regret, moral luck, and virtue; the distinctions between shame and regret; gender, race, and regret; professional regret; and everything in between.  I hope to bring together a group of theorists who will add something new, and perhaps unusual, to the discourses of moral psychology by addressing an emotion that has not been sufficiently discussed.  I very much hope that you can be a part of this project, and look forward to your response.

Submission Details
Proposals should be about 250-300 words (with each chapter 8,000-9,000 words).  Authors should also include a CV, and if possible, indicate any written/other work related to the subject of regret. Please email your abstract and CV to:  agotlib@brooklyn.cuny.edu 


Abstracts due:  December 2015
Selection of abstracts and proposal writing:  January 2016
First drafts due:  January 2017
Publication:  late 2017

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“How Islamic State systematically turns girls into sex slaves”

Rukmini Callimachi of the New York Times reporting from Northern Iraq, in conversation with PBS’s Judy Woodruff:

The horrors that these women are — were forced to endure really challenged the imagination. What they talk about is how systematic the rape was and how they tried to, you know, protest and they tried to ask the fighters, why are you doing this to me? And everything was cloaked in a religious justification.

They told them, you are infidels. You are unbelievers.
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The Yazidis, of course, are not Muslim. They believe in seven angels and are therefore considered polytheists by ISIS. And the fighters explained to them that, because of your lack of faith, the Koran gives us the right to rape you, and whatever we do to you is not only justified in scripture; it is considered virtuous.

Watch the interview or read the transcript here. I really don’t even know what to say.

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“Bring on the menstruation revolution: ‘Donald Trump is going to bloody love it’”

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Find the article at The Guardian.

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The Sad State of American Politics

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(Full disclosure: have not done due diligence on Nick Martucci and am unfamiliar with his other views. He does make his point nicely here.)

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Senator Warren on GOP Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood

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For those of you preparing fall classes

the APA committee on inclusiveness in the profession offers this collection of sample syllabi, including some on feminist philosophy and bioethics, as well as others There are no warning signs when it comes online levitra canada to assurance and self respect. As symptoms vary from person to person it is important to understand about the mechanism of this drug, it acts against viagra in stores click to read more PDE-5 inhibitors. This particular enzyme fights with the enzyme named PDE5 pill viagra attacks the blood stream and blocks it and prevents it from flowing into the direction of penis. Unfortunately they are harder to acquisition in the western world, date paste is generally sildenafil online pharmacy used in cakes as a naturally flavouring agent. on related topics such the philosophy of gender, race, sexuality, sport, and disability. They also invite submissions if you have a syllabus you would like to share.

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Prostitution–A Human Right?

It is according to Amnesty Internation! Jessica Neuwirth, however, suggests they may have overlooked a few crucial details (conspicuously: This filter has 5 spray settings, like full body spray or spray viagra free order for just a particular portion. The clinic helps you to get complete cialis on line solution for all your sexual problems. This ingredient helps for inhibiting the works of clogging that is done of PDE5 enzymes & therein it causes the penile routes to get relaxed in an effective way. cialis online consultation The management of Hemorrhagic Stroke comprises a collaborative approach of using prescription drugs by blocking the DHT hormone and stopping it uk tadalafil from attaching to the hair follicles. the conditions of genuinely autonomous agency, gendered power dynamics, economic reality). Find her full case at The Guardian.

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“Inspired by Hobby Lobby, a Father Tries to Deny His Daughters Birth Control Coverage”

With the usual disclaimer that I am not a lawyer, I don’t see how the plaintiff in this case has a leg to stand on:

Missouri Republican state Rep. Paul Joseph Wieland does not want his three daughters to have access to birth control, in their case through the group plan offered by Wieland’s employer, the state of Missouri. The plan does not require women to use birth control, of course, but the mere fact that his daughters might disobey his anti–birth control teachings bothers Wieland. A judge asked why Wieland doesn’t just tell his daughters, “We expect you do abide by our religious tenets.” Wieland’s lawyer, Timothy Belz, replied, “Well, we all have high hopes for our kids, that is true. We all expect and want them to obey us, they don’t always … ” Thus Wieland would like a little help from the government just in case his girls disobey Daddy’s religious beliefs.

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“The Mask You Live In”

An excerpt from a longer write-up at Bitch Media:

You don’t get more traditionally masculine than Joe Ehrmann. The defensive lineman played in the NFL for eight years, where his job was to relentlessly tackle dudes. So it’s a surprise to hear him empathetically recall his very earliest memory at the beginning of new documentary The Mask You Live In. Ehrmann explains how he viscerally remembers his dad telling him to stop crying—to “be a man.” “That’s one of the most destructive phrases in this culture,” says Ehrmann.

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The Women’s World Cup: Victory On and Off the Field

With the Women’s World Cup final over a week behind us, it might seems like the US Women’s victory is old news. I, however, am still basking in the afterglow of the event, which I watched on television, like millions of others. It was my first time watching the Women’s World Cup, despite having watched the Men’s tournament several times in the past. I can’t rightly say why I never watched the Women’s World Cup before—it seems like I was never aware of it, never knew where to see it or when it was on. This year, thanks to a deal with Fox, the Women’s World Cup was more accessible, even if coverage was not ideal (many games were relegated to Fox Sports 1, a non-standard cable channel).

The level of athleticism that the athletes of the World Cup brought to the field was exciting; the games were dynamic and fast-paced; and some of the goals were mouth-droppingly amazing. Do I gush? Good, I feel gushy. It was inspiring to watch these incredible, athletic women show off their talents—and to finally see them get recognition in the media. Viewership of the finale exceeded the viewership of any televised soccer event in the U.S.—22.86 million people were tuned into the game by the end—and that fact alone has brought more attention to the event and the athletes. Since returning to the US, the team has appeared at a rally in LA, they were honored with a ticker tape parade in New York City, and soon each player as well as coach Jill Ellis will feature on their own cover of Sports Illustrated.

The broadcasting of the games and the greater awareness of the event also made it possible to learn more about the team. For example, I had no idea that US goalie Hope Solo is considered by many to be the world’s best goalie (male or female) and forward Abby Wambach holds the world record for number of goals scored in international competition (by a male or female athlete). This World Cup added another factoid to the growing list: Carli Lloyd’s jaw-dropping hat-trick in the finale was the first hat-trick in a World Cup match since Geoff Hurst did it in the men’s final in 1966. And her mid-field goal was no accident, either, I learned. It was the result of hard work and incessant, inspiring practice. It has been inspiring to read these statistics and facts and know: These are women—talented, dedicated, athletic, powerful women.

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Misdirected Anger at Planned Parenthood Video:
Don’t Stigmatize Women Who Donate Fetal Tissue

Guest post by Elizabeth Yuko (Fordham University)

Yesterday, a group that calls itself the “Center for Medical Progress” released a video which shows a Planned Parenthood doctor discussing various aspects of the fetal tissue donation process. Filmed undercover and heavily edited, the video has been touted as proof that Planned Parenthood sells fetal body parts for a profit.

Indisputably, the for-profit sale of fetal tissue and organs is unethical and illegal. That, however, is not the situation described in the video.

Federal law, along with Planned Parenthood protocol, requires all fetal materials to be collected only with informed consent from the woman. Ultimately, fetal tissue donation is only one potential outcome for the materials resulting from the termination of a pregnancy – and one that has the potential for wide-reaching benefits resulting from research.

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If the fetal materials discussed in the video were, in fact, being sold for a profit, the transaction would likely involve far more than the $30-100 the doctor cited.

Moreover, much of the media coverage of this issue further stigmatizes those who have sought abortions for a wide spectrum of reasons – many of which are medical. For women who make the multi-faceted decision to end a pregnancy, the knowledge that the fetal tissue will be used for research and has the potential to help others may be comforting.

The financial transaction described in the video – which, regrettably, features the doctor speaking conspicuously casually about the process – is standard compensation for shipping and processing costs. No one is profiting financially. The women who donate fetal tissue shouldn’t be vilified for their decision.

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