The story of cross-dressing Hollywood DJ Tatiana Alvarez has recently gotten attention—mostly because Warner Brothers has bought the rights to her story. Alvarez dressed as a man and booked her gigs using her male persona (Matt Muset aka DJ Musikillz) for an entire year after she got tired of being judged by her looks and losing bookings because of being a woman. She enlisted the help of friends to complete the transformation for gigs, and she found that, indeed, posing as a man immediately caused others to trust her as a DJ and to focus on her talent—rather than her pretty face.
According to an article in The Telegraph, “As a ‘man’ Alvarez was treated differently: offstage, she was ignored (‘People don’t look at you as much’); onstage, she was trusted to do the right thing. ‘When you’re a female, there are always other people on stage watching what you’re doing. They think you’re stupid and say the most condescending, amazing things, but when you’re a man they just leave you alone.’”
Alvarez’s recent experiment has brought renewed interest to the topic of women who have passed as men in the past, including writers, politicians, journalists, soldiers, doctors, and others. A different article in The Telegraph, and a similar one on HuffPost contain a brief introduction to the historical context for female cross-dressing and provide similar lists of “infamous” female cross-dressers, including Tammany Hall politician Murray Hall (Mary Anderson), novelist George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), physician James Barry (Margaret Ann Bulkley), and WWI reporter Denis Smith (Dorothy Lawrence). Continue reading