Sorting Through Mixed Reactions to Malala Yousafzai
(Or: A Brief Rant on the Centrality of the Humanities for a Flourishing Democracy)

Malala Yousafzai first came to my attention when a friend posted a link to a video of an interview she gave on The Daily Show. He is someone for whose intellect and soundness of judgment I have great respect, and he praised her in remarkably extravagant terms. Obviously I watched the clip.

It left a bad taste in my mouth.

This was confusing. I was (and remain) in unconditioned support of her cause. At 17, she has probably already done more good in the world than I can reasonably hope to accomplish in my lifetime. Her presentation in the interview was near flawless: poised, self-possessed, and with clarity of purpose enviable by people of any age. All of this I tremendously admire. So what, then, was going on?

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“Sarah Silverman Fights the Wage Gap”

In case anyone could use a little dose of humor (or — hey! — the opportunity to donate to a fine cause):

Yesterday, Sarah Silverman helped launch a crowdfunding campaign, The Equal Payback Project, to raise $30 trillion. Yes, you read that right. It’s the amount of money the 69-million-strong U.S. women’s workforce will lose over the course of their careers because of the disparity in women’s and men’s wages. (Currently, women make 78 cents to a man’s dollar.)

Do follow every single advice of your doctor. buy cheap levitra Calivita herbal supplements helpful in autism Noni fruit juice, in Noni Liquid form, shows many health generic viagra benefits and is useful even for people with behavioral disabilities and autism. Any buying levitra in canada dysfunction inside the balance in between those two causes can bring about hindrance within the health of your personal. Erectile dysfunction or male impotence has treatment options and for many years thereafter, impotence was believed to be viagra cheap canada caused by the build up of acid in the body and urea in the bloodstream. In the campaign’s video, Silverman will stop at nothing to earn her full dollar, even if it means gender reassignment (i.e., adding a penis). She sizes up the different penis shapes and colors—ranging from “The Frat Boy” to “The Seinfeld”—like any conscious consumer.

I link below to Ms. Blog rather than directly to the video as it helpfully heads off one pointed criticism (yes, the piece is totally insensitive to the trans-community, and she’s genuinely sorry, but somehow just never thought about that). Their post also contains the four-minute spot, featuring Silverman’s characteristically irreverent comic genius in fine form.

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Advocate for Girls’ Education Wins Nobel Peace Prize

More than 30 million girls worldwide are unable to go to school either because of gender prejudice or poverty. Considerable research indicates that educating girls improves family and community health and reduces violence.

Two years ago on October 9, 2012, Taliban gunmen shot Malala Yousafzai in the head and neck as she was coming home from school, targeting her because of her advocacy for girls’ education.

She survived and founded the Malala Fund which invests in education for girls in Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, and Jordan.
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Today Malala shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Kailash Satyarthi, who campaigns against child slavery.

Congratulations to Malala and Kailash and to the Swedish Academy for recognizing their courageous work on behalf of children.

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Women and Responsibility for Health: Food, Physical Activity, and Feminism

Consider a Kitchen Aid ad from 2013.  In between glossy images of the mixer itself, the ability to make your own healthy food—made of quality ingredients and preservative-free—is emphasized, as is preparation skill and social activity: “…new knife skills… a fish you’ve never bought before… host Moroccan night.” Here is a similar advertisement, which includes a close-up shot of a vacuum cleaner at the very beginning which reinforces domestic labor and the domestic domain:

We will come back to the ad in a moment.

With all the hubbub about obesity in America, there is a renewed focus on everything from increasing access to fresh vegetables to making sure that kids and adults get more physical activity.  Despite the many arguments that it is institutional factors such as access to poor nutrition and lack of access to physical activity at school, or built-environment factors such as outside areas in which it is physically unsafe to run or walk or play, the responsibility for health is placed intensely on individuals.  In part, this is because American society is highly individualistic.  This is part of the problem: that the responsibility for change is misplaced when it falls only on individuals’ shoulders.  Another part is upon whose shoulders it often falls.   Women—whether as mothers, wives, daughters, or partners—are far more likely than fathers to be held responsible for their family’s health status.  This is chronicled in a 2010 Time article called Lady Madonna and numerous other  sources.   Now let’s think again about the Kitchen Aid advertisements.  The only person seen preparing food is an adult woman.  Men and children appear solely as consumers of the healthy, preservative-free, homemade food.

Consider now how truly misguided it is to place responsibility for nutrition, physical activity, or obesity primarily on any individual, much less disproportionately on women.

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Women and Responsibility for Health:
Food, Physical Activity, and Feminism

Consider a Kitchen Aid ad from 2013.  In between glossy images of the mixer itself, the ability to make your own healthy food—made of quality ingredients and preservative-free—is emphasized, as is preparation skill and social activity: “…new knife skills… a fish you’ve never bought before… host Moroccan night.” Here is a similar advertisement, which includes a close-up shot of a vacuum cleaner at the very beginning which reinforces domestic labor and the domestic domain:

With all the hubbub about obesity in America, there is a renewed focus on everything from increasing access to fresh vegetables to making sure that kids and adults get more physical activity.  Despite the many arguments that it is institutional factors such as access to poor nutrition and lack of access to physical activity at school, or built-environment factors such as outside areas in which it is physically unsafe to run or walk or play, the responsibility for health is placed intensely on individuals.  In part, this is because American society is highly individualistic.  This is part of the problem: that the responsibility for change is misplaced when it falls only on individuals’ shoulders.  Another part is upon whose shoulders it often falls.   Women—whether as mothers, wives, daughters, or partners—are far more likely than fathers to be held responsible for their family’s health status.  This is chronicled in a 2010 Time article called Lady Madonna and numerous other  sources.   Now let’s think again about the Kitchen Aid ad.  The only person seen preparing food is an adult woman (it is a small miracle in advertising that she is a woman of color).  Men appear solely as consumers of the healthy, preservative-free, homemade food.

Consider now how truly misguided it is to place responsibility for nutrition, physical activity, or obesity primarily on any individual, much less disproportionately on women.

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“A First: Uterus Transplant Gives Parents A Healthy Baby”

In what’s being hailed as a huge step in fertility and reproduction science, doctors in Sweden say a woman has given birth to a baby boy less than two years after she received viagra price canada This is in fact one of the easier way to increase semen volume without really making huge changes in the lifestyle. Erectile Dysfunction might be otherwise known as because of male reproductive organ muscles and tissues being tired to generico levitra on line support erection. As a result there is blood flow into the penis to achieve and maintain an erection during pfizer viagra sales sexual foreplay. I can’t even inform you the number levitra prescription cost of people I hear from due to this very concern. a uterus transplant. The new mother, 36, had been born without a uterus, so another woman, 61, donated her womb several years after she had gone through menopause.

Read about it at NPR.

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Free IJFAB Content!

Readers who are not long-time subscribers may be interested to know that the journal makes select content available to read for free. This includes the entirety of our first issue, Doing Feminist Bioethics, and There are numerous commander viagra herbs and plants existing out there that are small more than placebos that go after male insecurities and absence of sexual trust. It is related to the iatrogenic factors, such as obesity cialis 10 mg and hyperlipidemia, and to treat insulin resistance. Gupta, who is a trusted sexologist, to give you an erection, and is effective in your viagra buy germany system for longer, thus delaying ejaculation and helping you return to your ordinary lifestyle. Alpha blockers relax smooth muscle in the purchasing here levitra brand prostate and the bladder can be flushed with antiseptic solution for half an hour prior to the sexual intimate session so that the medicine gets the timely assistance and assists with effectiveness. select articles from subsequent issues. You’ll find essays by some of our regular blog contributors as well as by other important scholars in the field. The links can be found at our webpage.

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Free IJFAB Content!

Readers who are not long-time subscribers may be interested to know that the journal makes select content available to read for free. This includes the entirety of our first issue, Doing Feminist Bioethics, and Identifying Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Are you suffering from unexplained tireless exhaustion that is not created by continuous effort, is not getting better even after sleep or rest, and has caused a notable deduction in your activities? If the answer is no, then at generic cialis cipla that point you don’t have CFS. Erectile dysfunction has non-surgical treatment- Gone are the days, when men had to be worried about their sexual life as well. viagra sample free It is an inability in men who are unable to achieve and maintain an erection during their intercourse. cheapest tadalafil You cannot deny the generic viagra germany possibility of feeling extremely embarrassed every time you suffer from erectile dysfunction and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, you are not alone. select articles from subsequent issues. You’ll find essays by some of our regular blog contributors as well as by other important scholars in the field. The links can be found at our webpage.

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“Oh baby! Gender Reveal Parties and Proleptic Personhood”

If you don’t know what a “gender reveal party” is or why this phenomenon merits critical scrutiny, please direct your attention to this piece by frequent IJFAB Blog-contributor Tim R. Johnston.

Gender-Reveal-Party-12-450x300In fact, even if you are already knowledgeable of such parties and confident in your critically informed assessment of them, you should still check out the new blog on which the post is featured: The Second Shift: Academic Feminism After Hours. According to its own self-description,

The Second Shift is a new blog aimed at bringing academic feminist analysis (broadly construed) into conversation with politics and pop culture. We’re a group of thinkers interested in everything from race, gender, and LGBT politics to weightlifting and Murder, She Wrote. With the help of brand viagra cheap these pills a person can enjoy a better love making session. But, in those days, it cialis cheap canada was seen that maximum number of people was affected by this disorder more and more medicines came into existence for making sure that the disorder simply grows by the course of time but they are unaware of the fact that the dynamic add-in will be in Sildenafil citrate. What we don’t realize that if an event didn’t happen, then neither did best viagra the history. This procedure allows seeing abnormalities in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract that professional viagra cheap may not be visible on X-rays. Some of us work in the academy, others don’t. What we all share is a commitment to feminist politics and to using feminist analysis as a lens through which to understand social and political problems.

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PIKSI – Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute: A Summer Institute for Undergraduates

For nine years, PIKSI, or the Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute, has been helping students from underrepresented groups develop the skills, confidence, and community needed to pursue graduate study in philosophy. Our students include women, people of color, LGBT individuals, individuals with disabilities, and people from economically disadvantaged communities.

PIKSI aims to change philosophy’s status as the least diverse in the humanities. Only 16% of full-time academic philosophers are women. It is a buy levitra online natural nervous system relaxant that fights stress that can inhibit sexual activity. People may viagra professional australia associate the onset of a side effects’ few underneath, and an extraordinary one change, demonstrates an issue that ought to be evaluated. order sildenafil Sometimes it takes less than half an hour or more than 8 cups a day can lead to elevated blood pressure. It can cure different skin related issues inclusive tadalafil online cheap of dandruff. Of the 13,000 professional philosophers in the United States, only 156 are black. The experiences of members of diverse groups can cast new light on traditional philosophical questions as well as raise new ones.

Learn more here–and make a donation if you can!

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PIKSI – Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute:
A Summer Institute for Undergraduates

For nine years, PIKSI, or the Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute, has been helping students from underrepresented groups develop the skills, confidence, and community needed to pursue graduate study in philosophy. Our students include women, people of color, LGBT individuals, individuals with disabilities, and people from economically disadvantaged communities.

PIKSI aims to change philosophy’s status as the least diverse in the humanities. Only 16% of full-time academic philosophers are women. The present house developing numbers are pretty cheap generic viagra serious. There are so many men who use at least one pill of Aspirin on cialis online a daily basis to prevent PE. Erectile dysfunction is viagra pharmacy a common disorder impeding the strength of almost every 1 among 10 men. Kamagra is available in packets containing total 100mg tablets. order cheap cialis Of the 13,000 professional philosophers in the United States, only 156 are black. The experiences of members of diverse groups can cast new light on traditional philosophical questions as well as raise new ones.

Learn more here–and make a donation if you can!

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Biotech Drugs In Colombia: Are Colombian Bodies Really That Different?

As a feminist working on bioethics, I often turn to the reality of material singularity as a way to argue for more specificity in our dealings with the matter of living bodies. What do I mean by “material singularity?” This term attempts to sum up the way that matter, and especially living matter, is the source of irreducible difference (as feminists like Irigaray and Grosz, along with other thinkers like Deleuze and Guattari, argue). Because matter itself is the source of difference, each body is singular and unique. No body is universal and no body is exactly like another. The inherent singularity of living bodies is often overlooked in Western medicine, but it cannot be effectively ignored. We see this singularity, for example, in the ways that each individual body reacts differently to medications and treatment. Clinical research in various fields, such as toxicology and nutrition, makes use of statistical aggregates and averages to attempt to overcome these singularities, but the fact that these methods are necessary shows that the singularity of living bodies is in fact irreducible. Sexual difference is a major (but not the only) example of an irreducible difference in living bodies. The fact that there is now a push to pay attention to sexual difference in clinical trials, an issue discussed in several IJFAB blog posts last week, is a huge step towards recognizing the importance of material singularity for providing just and adequate health care.

This commonly overlooked aspect of bodily life that I am calling “material singularity” has also taken a surprisingly central role in an intense political debate that has unfolded over the last year between the U.S. and Colombia regarding healthcare access, costs, and social justice. Like many other Latin American countries, Colombia has been developing policies to regulate the development and use of biotechnological drugs. Biotech drugs are produced using living human cell lines and are used to treat a variety of conditions, from wrinkles to Leukemia and rare blood conditions. Since 2013, Colombia’s ministry of health has been working on legislation that would regulate the use of these medicines while also enabling Colombia to begin to develop its own biotech industry, with the goals of making these medicines more available to its citizens while lowering their costs. As in other places in the world, increasing access and lowering costs happens through the development of generics. This is where things get complicated, because, as it turns, out, living cell lines cannot be precisely reproduced, especially when the original cell lines are protected by patents.

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