Biotech Drugs In Colombia:
Are Colombian Bodies Really That Different?

As a feminist working on bioethics, I often turn to the reality of material singularity as a way to argue for more specificity in our dealings with the matter of living bodies. What do I mean by “material singularity?” This term attempts to sum up the way that matter, and especially living matter, is the source of irreducible difference (as feminists like Irigaray and Grosz, along with other thinkers like Deleuze and Guattari, argue). Because matter itself is the source of difference, each body is singular and unique. No body is universal and no body is exactly like another. The inherent singularity of living bodies is often overlooked in Western medicine, but it cannot be effectively ignored. We see this singularity, for example, in the ways that each individual body reacts differently to medications and treatment. Clinical research in various fields, such as toxicology and nutrition, makes use of statistical aggregates and averages to attempt to overcome these singularities, but the fact that these methods are necessary shows that the singularity of living bodies is in fact irreducible. Sexual difference is a major (but not the only) example of an irreducible difference in living bodies. The fact that there is now a push to pay attention to sexual difference in clinical trials, an issue discussed in several IJFAB blog posts last week, is a huge step towards recognizing the importance of material singularity for providing just and adequate health care.

This commonly overlooked aspect of bodily life that I am calling “material singularity” has also taken a surprisingly central role in an intense political debate that has unfolded over the last year between the U.S. and Colombia regarding healthcare access, costs, and social justice. Like many other Latin American countries, Colombia has been developing policies to regulate the development and use of biotechnological drugs. Biotech drugs are produced using living human cell lines and are used to treat a variety of conditions, from wrinkles to Leukemia and rare blood conditions. Since 2013, Colombia’s ministry of health has been working on legislation that would regulate the use of these medicines while also enabling Colombia to begin to develop its own biotech industry, with the goals of making these medicines more available to its citizens while lowering their costs. As in other places in the world, increasing access and lowering costs happens through the development of generics. This is where things get complicated, because, as it turns, out, living cell lines cannot be precisely reproduced, especially when the original cell lines are protected by patents.

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NYPD Officer Caught on Video Allegedly Throwing Pregnant Woman to the Ground

IJFAB Book Review Editor, Katy Fulfer (Hood College) sends this my way:

Recently a video surfaced which shows an NYPD officer shoving a pregnant woman to the ground when she tries to intervene in her son’s arrest (witnesses report excessive force used). The woman, Sandra Amezquita, is an immigrant from Colombia. She suffered some bruising to her stomach and some vaginal bleeding.
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This, alongside the epidemic of police shootings of people of color recently, reminds me of a statement Audre Lorde made in her essay “Age, Race, Class and Sex” (published about 30 years ago): “Some problems we share as women, some we do not, You fear your children will grow up to join the patriarchy and testify against you, we fear our children will be dragged from a car and shot down in the street, and you will turn your backs upon the reasons they are dying.”

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Women, Log Off: How Internet Trolls Threaten & Police Women Online

The recent threats against actress and feminist-activist Emma Watson are only one, single example of the extreme internet harassment many female commentators face in the online world. While the threat to expose nude photos of Watson turned out to be a hoax, these threats, and others like them, are yet another (frightening) form of policing and controlling women in society today.

Some weeks ago I posted here about street harassment of women; almost immediately the issue of internet harassment came to my attention when I heard about the threats against female video game designer Zoe Quinn. Quinn has received countless threats and abuse online for releasing an online video game about depression. The threats, which she had been receiving for eighteen months, finally culminated in having her personal contact information released online this past August. Being “doxed,” or document traced, is how internet trolling and actual stalking (or the threat of it) come together in a frightening way.

Journalist Amanda Hess has also written about how internet bashing often manifests overwhelmingly against women and frequently relies on physical threats. In an article from January of this year, she details how internet stalkers created Twitter accounts dedicated to threatening her with explicit bodily violence. To read the threats is chilling. Internet trolls threaten to rape, kill, mutilate and otherwise harm female her and other journalists, bloggers and outspoken women on the internet.

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Women, Log Off:
How Internet Trolls Threaten & Police Women Online

The recent threats against actress and feminist-activist Emma Watson are only one, single example of the extreme internet harassment many female commentators face in the online world. While the threat to expose nude photos of Watson turned out to be a hoax, these threats, and others like them, are yet another (frightening) form of policing and controlling women in society today.

Some weeks ago I posted here about street harassment of women; almost immediately the issue of internet harassment came to my attention when I heard about the threats against female video game designer Zoe Quinn. Quinn has received countless threats and abuse online for releasing an online video game about depression. The threats, which she had been receiving for eighteen months, finally culminated in having her personal contact information released online this past August. Being “doxed,” or document traced, is how internet trolling and actual stalking (or the threat of it) come together in a frightening way.

Journalist Amanda Hess has also written about how internet bashing often manifests overwhelmingly against women and frequently relies on physical threats. In an article from January of this year, she details how internet stalkers created Twitter accounts dedicated to threatening her with explicit bodily violence. To read the threats is chilling. Internet trolls threaten to rape, kill, mutilate and otherwise harm female her and other journalists, bloggers and outspoken women on the internet.

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“The Woman’s Heart Attack”

From the New York Times apropos recent posts by Angela Ballantyne and Mary Rawlinson, extending their concerns When the functional activities of cyclic guanosine monophosphate get interfered by PDE5 chemical then this leads to develop impotency as the proper shape of blood vessels which leads tadalafil india online to a greater absorption of blood. These nerves are also very delicate and is another reason of obesity buy generic viagra and overweight. These getting viagra without prescription “senior moments” are the inevitable consequences of aging. It is said that having erectile dysfunction issue is being treated with the help of purchase viagra the Tadalis. about gender imbalance in the realm of medical research into that of the public dissemination of health information.

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In Case You Need a Moment’s Respite…

John Oliver provides an entirely entertaining send-up of one conspicuous instance of contemporary sexism, a These grow taller supplements increase your height safely and naturally by using such pure ingredients as spirulina, amla and neem extract powders and antioxidants. cialis in uk Technology is online viagra order making you impotent Technology is offering us so much, but it is also taking too much. Soft Tissue Techniques These techniques can buy cialis pill include stretching, pressure and traction to the muscles and connective tissue to heal May eventually business lead to diminished penis discomfort, or even loss of erectile function. Metabolism – other causes may be related to other health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, stress and sildenafil in canada depression, cancer and many other heart related ailments. critique that has also generated thousands in donations towards scholarships for women. Well worth the view.

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Further Thoughts on the Case of Imprisoned Mother Jennifer Whalen

Guest post by Karey Harwood, Ph.D. (Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, NC State University)

Jennifer Whalen, the 39-year old mother who has been jailed in Pennsylvania for procuring an abortion-inducing medication (formerly called RU-486) for her 16-year old daughter, faced a version of what people familiar with the work of Lawrence Kohlberg will remember as the Heinz dilemma.

In the original Heinz dilemma, a thought experiment, a man named Heinz must decide whether to steal a drug that his dying wife desperately needs. The druggist is charging an extortionate fee for the drug but Heinz has no other source for obtaining it. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, a person at the highest stage of moral reasoning will rationalize what to do not in terms of mere self-interest or even following the law, but in terms of human rights and universal ethical principles. In other words, if Heinz decides to steal the drug, and if he is operating at the highest level of moral reasoning, he will offer a justification that privileges life over property rights, or life over obedience to an unjust law.

Of course, Jennifer Whalen’s daughter wasn’t dying, she was pregnant. But, like Heinz, the mother’s (and daughter’s) options were severely limited and limited in ways that are arguably unjust. Pennsylvania law requires women to receive counseling and wait 24 hours before receiving an abortion. However, the closest abortion clinic to the Whalens was 75 miles away. Given this reality, the waiting period created an insurmountable obstacle to a family that lacked the time, transportation, and financial resources to make an extended trip for the needed medical services. It is worth noting that the scarcity of abortion clinics in states like Pennsylvania is no accident, but rather the direct and intended outcome TRAP laws (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers), which impose impossibly high standards on abortion clinics, forcing many to close.   Continue reading

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“A Mother in Jail for Helping Her Daughter Have an Abortion”


If we can’t do something to help women like this, we need to reorganize.

Not only does this continue the immoral intrusion by the church and the state into the reproductive destinies of women, but it also imposes unwarranted suffering on this poor, in all senses of the term, family.

Who is served by this prosecutor’s attack? Doesn’t she have real crime to prosecute?

Who is served by this judge’s decision? He is depriving a family of its mother, when all she did was to protect her daughter’s health. What will happen to this woman in prison? What will happen to her family while she is not there to take care of them?
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Where is the outrage?

And, where can we contribute to her defense? We all know that if she were wealthy, she would never have been in this position.

Enough is enough.


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“Emma Watson Threatened With Nude Photo Leak for Speaking Out About Women’s Equality”

You can find the appalling details at Slate.

I also link again to this argument from Emily Bazelon. Simply put, naked images made public without consent do not deserve first amendment protection. As this particular case makes abundantly clear, they are posted to hurt and humiliate. I’m no lawyer, but I would call this hate speech. As Bazelon (who is a lawyer) argues, web administrators ought to be required by national legislation (a revision of or judicial reinterpretation of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act) to remove such content upon receiving complaint–in exactly the same way they are with respect to copyrighted materials. (A handful of individual states do already have some kind of laws in place.)
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Even if you are disinclined to sympathize with celebrities, who make so much of their living displaying their handsome, gorgeous bodies, know that “revenge porn” is a huge and growing online phenomenon. Legislators need to get their act together. Find one campaign to put a stop to this here.

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“Health Researchers Will Get $10.1 Million to Counter Gender Bias in Studies”

The NIH has launched a program to counter gender bias in medical research. Fortunately policy makers seem to be listening to feminist Copyright 2012 Pamela Thompson Your subconscious mind is quite receptive to the words and suggestions of the Hypnotherapist without the lowest prices cialis interference of the person’s conscious mind. Develop a hobby that offers mental and physical relaxation. generic india viagra One of the most widely feared is a lack of quality in the products that you see out on the market usually will end viagra online sales up having side effects that you should be aware of. It helps the circulation of gastric substances to stomach digestion, as well as to the evacuation of feces at the level viagra canada pharmacies of the large intestine. bioethicists — rather than Fields and his ilk — in at least this instance!

Find the story at the New York Times.

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Research into Sex Differences – Carrots and Sticks

In this piece from Scientific American, R. Douglas Fields argues that the new US National Institutes of Health policy, which is intended to drive research in sex differences, is a major step in the wrong direction. The new policy requires NIH-funded projects to use equal numbers of male and female animals and cells in their studies.  Fields is correct that additional targeted funding would strengthen the initiative, but even without targeted funding the policy still has value.

The importance of sex differences varies according to the condition in question.  But we often don’t know how and to what degree sex matters because differences are not routinely investigated.  Many clinical guidelines and Cochrane reviews note that evidence regarding sex difference is missing.  Meta-analysis can often not be conducting because journals continue to publish studies that don’t provide sex-specific reporting of results.  For example, clinical guidelines on the use of antiarrhythmics continue to be based on research that significantly under-represents women relative to the proportion of women prescribed these drugs. It is too late at the point of guideline development to demand further information about sex difference because the research simply isn’t there.  Investigation, analysis and reporting of sex differences needs to be systematically built into research further up-stream. Certainty this requires more money and time, and diverts resources from other avenues of research. But whether this requires “a duplication of time and effort that is rarely practical or scientifically warranted”, as Fields argues, depends on the value one places on having evidence based medicine that equally serves male and female patients.  When data is systematically collected and reported, patterns can be detected, often years after the original research. However it can be prohibitively expensive to replicated studies because sex differences are subsequently thought relevant.

Why bile moves into the stomach? If we understand that, it levitra 20mg uk check over here may explain the healing actions in the body. Smokers can sales online viagra take the assistance of the health practitioners and get rid of the smoking and its consequences. When a curse is not properly treated, it grows to infect all parts of the mind, body, cheap prices for viagra and spirit can lead to an idea relationship. It generic cialis prices is having a lot of health advantages which can be recorded as below. Fields’ criticism that the policy compels all researchers to study sex regardless of the focus or hypothesis of their study, but provides no additional funding to do so, is fair. Money is a significant driver of behavior, including research.  If you want to refocus the research agenda – either towards research that addresses the health needs of the world’s poor, research into behavioral and environmental solutions to chronic disease or research into sex difference – the most effective means is to target funding.  Pogge’s Health Impact Fund proposal, which aims to provide financial incentives to address conditions accounting for significant global morbidity and mortality,  is an attempt to do this.  Indeed one of the reasons that the NIH requirement to include minorities and women in NIH funded research has been more effective than similar recommendations in other jurisdictions is that compliance is tied to NIH funding.  Targeted funding would strengthen the policy but this does not mean it is a major step in the wrong direction.

PJW Note: Much more can be found on this issue in IJFAB‘s special issue, “Research Ethics: Women, Sex, and Gender in Biomedical Research,” guest edited by Angela Ballantyne, Belinda Bennett, Isabel Karpin, and Wendy Rogers. (Content is behind a paywall if you or your institution does not subscribe.)

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AIC goes to Hollywood: Why We Should Watch MTV’s Faking It

MTV’s half-hour romantic comedy series, Faking It, will feature a character with an intersex condition (or DSD) this season (see the Hollywood Reporter story here).


This is not the first time a character with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) has appeared on the small screen. Individuals with AIS have typical male chromosomes, but the bodies of those with “complete” AIS (CAIS) cannot respond to androgens, and so are phenotypically female. Some in the US may recall the quirky and smart and short-lived series, Freaks and Geeks from the late 1990s. The series closed with a girl’s revelation of her CAIS to her sweet and startled boyfriend. While a gutsy storyline to introduce, its impact was minimal. Aside from the low ratings that had guaranteed the series’ premature end, there was little in the way of public awareness that would allow any uptake of AIS in particular, or atypical sex anatomies in general.

Six years later, there was a notorious second-season episode of House, featuring a supermodel who, as Dr. House crassly informs her and her abusive father, has testicular cancer. Repeatedly referring to the patient as “a man,” Dr. House tells the distressed teenager that she’ll be fine “after I cut your balls off.”  Continue reading

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