“Why I Went To The Men’s Rights Conference”

From feminist journalist Kelsey Miller:

As a web writer and a feminist, I can’t avoid reading about the Men’s Rights Movement, nor the vitriolic and often violent discourse that’s risen up around it. In the years since it’s gained footing in mainstream consciousness, with representation in SNL sketches and parallels drawn to the Elliot Rodger shooting, the discussion around this movement has become even louder, angrier, and that much more confusing. What do these guys want exactly? Can they honestly believe men to be a trod-upon minority? Do they really think feminism is “an empire of evil?” The answers seemed both emphatic and convoluted, and I knew enough to know there must be more to the story. There was — but, if anything, it’s even sadder than we thought.

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This is a strange phenomenon. Find the whole article here.

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The Pendulum Swings? Spain faces a return to an era of very restricted access to abortion

This pen-and-ink image shows the trace of a pendulum swinging back and forth, the middle blurry and only the extremes of the swing clear. Image Credit: “Pendulum Swing”, by DK Osorio

This pen-and-ink image shows the trace of a pendulum swinging back and forth, the middle blurry and only the extremes of the swing clear. Image Credit: “Pendulum Swing”, by DK Osorio


In 1985, Spain passed laws restricting a woman’s right to abortion, the so-called “Organic Law” governing reproductive health and abortion. Under this law, abortion was legal in only three cases: serious risk to physical or mental health of the pregnant woman, in which case abortion was supposed to be therapeutic; rape; and the presence of malformations or defects in the fetus. No other reasons were allowed for legal abortions taking place in Spain. Those seeking abortions needed the wherewithal to leave the country. Both pregnant women who procured abortions, and medical personnel who performed them, could be imprisoned for doing so (this was apparently rare, but possible).

In 2010, after decades without a right to seek abortion for any reason other than health, rape, or fetal deformity, a revision to the Organic Law went into effect and Spanish women were finally given a right to so-called “abortion on demand.” Debate over the passage of the law heavily involved the notion that access to safe abortion was a matter of reproductive health. As of March 3, 2010, up to 14 weeks gestation, Spanish women can now choose to terminate the pregnancy for any reason. Within that time period, abortion is wholly decriminalized (for context, most U.S. states allow abortion for any reason up to anywhere from 20-24 weeks; some have proposed 14 week cutoffs but those are still in development because of the 1973 court case Roe v. Wade, which made it a matter of federal case law that states could not make abortion wholesale illegal until after the point of “viability”). Abortion can occur up to 22 weeks if there is a serious risk to the life or health of the pregnant woman or fetus, and thereafter only if fetal anomalies incompatible with life, or some other serious and incurable fetal disease, are detected. According to Spain’s own Ministry of Health, these abortions up to 14 weeks gestation constitute over 90 percent of all abortions carried out in Spain in 2012, the remainder of which involved medical grounds for termination later in pregnancy. The rights of women in Spain to access abortion without fear of prosecution were greatly expanded (though it should be noted that rates of abortion did not increase substantially for 2011, and went down in 2012; this is variously attributed to causes including women claiming health risks for any unwanted pregnancy prior to 2010, and to increased availability of the morning after pill at the same time the new law took effect).

The ire of Spain’s conservative religious and political forces was roused.   Indeed, a large rally of several tens of thousands of people protested against the 2010 law in Madrid, prior to its passage. Other protests against the expansion of abortion access continue to take place, such as this one in Barcelona in 2012. Continue reading

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Ontological Confusion in the U.S. Courts

Serene J. Khader (Stony Brook University) sends this <span id=

Concurrently, the male sexual organ receives adequate blood to experience erection. generic india levitra If the problem occurs, there should cheapest levitra be a doctor’s supervision. The absolute measure to enhance your durability depends prescription viagra uk upon your body capacity and the degree of impotency capture. The main reason, for not getting proper erection are the natural enzyme – phosphodiesterase viagra canada cost . my way.” width=”880″ height=”440″ /> Serene J. Khader (Stony Brook University) sends this my way.

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Health Reforms in Mexico

Im winding down my time in Mexico City at the FAB conference and the International Association of Bioethics my first ever on both counts. It was exciting to meet so many folks in person, especially at my first meeting of the IJFAB editorial board!

I also had the opportunity to catch up with an old friend who travelled from Morelia to spend the weekend after the conference with me. I went through a Feldenkrais Method training in Mexico with Adriana Delgado, a wonderful contemporary dancer, who at the time (12-16 years ago) was leading a dance troupe in Mexico City that integrated dancers with disabilities.

Catching up with her over the weekend was a delight in itself, and also gave me an interesting perspective on several themes of the conference. Two things we talked about stand out for me.

One was her personal experience of Mexican health reform. At the Congress, we saw no fewer than three current or former ministers of health on the main stage. Julio Frenk was part of a riveting panel with Norm Daniels and Thomas Beauchamp, speaking about Mexicos on-going process of health system reform, with a focus on progressive realization of a human right to health (Daniels) and the role of data (bridging Beauchamp on the need for new models of research ethics) for accountability to the public, to using ethical guidance in health systems reform (Frenks theme). Frenk spoke of social inclusion, equal opportunity, respect for autonomy, social responsibility, and financial justice as the key ethical principles [another unofficial link to the full pdf] that guided the progress the Mexican government has made, starting with his tenure as Minister of Health, on achieving universal health care, as they claim now to have done.

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The Commercialization of Feminism?

This advertisement for Always feminine hygiene products has been getting lots of positive attention on social media the past few days:

A major company is investing its advertising dollars into empowering girls. Fantastic! (Even if, as one Facebook commenter noted, any mention of bleeding like a girl is carefully avoided.)

This also recalls another pro-feminist advertisement that went viral last April, Dove Real Beauty Sketches.

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The Supreme Court Speaks: What Now?

The Hobby Lobby Decision

The Public-Sector Unions Decision
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Male Models of Misogyny: Examining Sexist Representations of Women in the Media

Whenever I teach a unit on the representation of women in the media in an undergraduate course, I inevitably have students read John Berger’s chapter on the nude in Western art in Ways of Seeing in conjunction an online essay on the male gaze in fashion advertising. Berger’s discussion of nude vs. naked translates well into a discussion of the representation of women in modern advertising. The vacant yet alluring stare, the manipulation of the male gaze, the access of (male) power through (female) sexuality—they are all there, whether we are looking at Peter Lely’s portrait of Nell Gwyn as Venus, or a contemporary perfume advertisement.

Calvin-Klein-Beauty-ad3  5658641656_8389c9ec2e_b

This is Not Sex: A Web Essay on the Male Gaze, Fashion Advertising, and the Pose,” starts by comparing images of young men striking the same poses and expressions as ones found in various advertisements directed towards women. They look silly and ludicrous, and the essay then reveals the original advertisements, asking the reader to consider why these poses seem so strange, stilted and silly when men strike them, while they seem “natural” and even attractive when women assume them. Continue reading

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Jon Stewart on recent sexual assault at James Madison University

The perpetrators punished with … graduation. With more on tips for men and women on navigating campus life:

“You’re telling me that women just spend their whole day navigating an obstacle course of sexual menace?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
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“Has higher education recreated the conditions that led to Sophistry’s rise?”

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Jonathan Wolff at The Guardian.

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Women, Sports and Confidence: The Role of Roller Derby

Women’s roller derby has had a checkered history. Even now, with the modern version gaining speed and popularity, many people still associate derby with the staged, televised 1970s banked-track version of the sport. Those earlier iterations were made of pro teams with salaried players who often fought dirty to make their big bucks, and today the sport is still dogged by such stereotypes.

Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Today’s derby is played exclusively by amateur teams (for now, anyway). Its rules prohibit punching, elbowing and other forms of illegal and dangerous contact, and it’s the fastest growing sport in America at the moment. By far the greatest popularity and growth is currently enjoyed by all-women’s flat track roller derby, whose rules are made and regulated by the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA).

The growth of derby is due by and large by its appeal to and acceptance of all women. Without regard for body type, social class, job, age, race, ethnicity or sexuality, derby will accept you. I have been playing derby for two years now and have found it to be a satisfying and enjoyable way to meet new people, work out, and, for the first time ever, be an athlete. Many articles have even touted derby as promoting a good example of how sports can accept gay, lesbian and trans players, including an ESPN profile of Gotham Roller Girls’ star player Bonnie Thunders, who has been called the “LeBron James of roller derby.”

The author, Jane AweStun, in her derby gear.

The author, “Jane AweStun,” in her derby gear.


While derby naturally attracts women who played team sports in school or college, it also attracts many women, like myself, who never played a team sport or who found them downright unappealing after being forced to play on co-ed teams in required gym classes. My own personal experience of team sports in school was of the kid always chosen last, who could neither kick nor catch a kickball very well and who, thus, did not really enjoy sports. Roller derby, with its grassroots appeal and its welcoming attitude, attracted me as soon as I heard about it.

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“The Quiet Clash Between Transgender Women And Drag Queens”

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Wish you were in Mexico City?

FAB members chatting and catching up at the end of the day at the FAB World Congress in Mexico City. (Montage courtesy Alison Reinheld.

FAB members chatting and catching up at the end of the day at the FAB World Congress in Mexico City. (Montage courtesy Alison Reiheld.)

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To learn more about FAB, visit fabnet.org.

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