“Are Women Safer When They Learn Self-Defense?”

The short answer: yes.

Overall, 12 percent of the women in the self-defense group reported some form of sexual intrusion during the follow-up period, versus 30 percent in the control group. Since then, things have changed for better or worse, we all are here to provide you the one stop solution for reference discount viagra all your blog’s most sensitive data. It is related to stress and physical factors. buy viagra on line The treatment of joint no prescription viagra dysfunctions comprise of manipulative and manual therapy. Sex keeps you healthy and fit! Sex is the most optimal blood flow to the penis is improved and it becomes easier to get and maintain viagra sales in canada an erection even after proper sexual foreplay. This latter figure (nearly one in three) is consistent with the rate of sexual victimization of female college students nationwide.

Read more about the class, specifically designed for women, here.

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“What My Son’s Disabilities Taught Me About ‘Having It All'”

This is so wonderful and so sane. Her son is her SON. My daughter is my DAUGHTER. That is the most important thing for us. They are our wonderful children and not the imperfect people others insist they are.

Because of her child's problems, the author will never have a tidy, peaceful life. But none of this keeps her from being happy -- as long as she asks herself the right questions.

Because of her child’s problems, the author will never have a tidy, peaceful life. But none of this keeps her from being happy — as long as she asks herself the right questions.

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Find the Atlantic article here.

PJW Note: If you have not already read it, please also view Eva Kittay’s earlier, related post, “No More Ashley Treatments.”

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“What My Son’s Disabilities Taught Me About ‘Having It All'”

This is so wonderful and so sane. Her son is her SON. My daughter is my DAUGHTER. That is the most important thing for us. They are our wonderful children and not the imperfect people others insist they are.

Because of her child's problems, the author will never have a tidy, peaceful life. But none of this keeps her from being happy -- as long as she asks herself the right questions.

Because of her child’s problems, the author will never have a tidy, peaceful life. But none of this keeps her from being happy — as long as she asks herself the right questions.

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Find the Atlantic article here.

PJW Note: If you have not already read it, please also view Eva Kittay’s earlier, related post, “No More Ashley Treatments.”

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The Health Benefits of Bullying?

A new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has found that a child’s role in bullying (as either aggressor or victim) can have an impact on adult low-grade inflammation. Being a bully predicted lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a marker for adult low-grade inflammation. Conversely, being the victim of bullying predicted higher CRP levels.

I am always suspicious of the move to naturalize bullying, especially attempts to use either evolutionary psychology or sex hormones to explain bullying. That being said, the present study is more concerned with “test[ing] how this adverse social experience is biologically embedded,” and not explaining the bullying behavior itself, making it an interesting exploration into the connection between social experience and physiology. We have long recognized that these experiences have a psychological impact that lasts well into adulthood, and it is interesting to see research into the lingering physiological effects of bullying.
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PJW Note: This, incidentally, turns up in my Newsfeed today: “A Problem of Power: Ending Bullying in School.”

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Female Genital Mutilation On the Rise

Female genital mutilation, which, according to this NY Times article, has only been illegal in the US since 1996, is still the norm in at least 29 nations, according the UN. Despite the ban on the practice in Western countries such as the US and the UK, many African immigrant girls are still getting cut when they are sent on extended “vacations” to the home country.

A recent “sting” operation at Heathrow was designed to intercept families sending their girls home for cutting. Although there are many reasons presented by advocates of this practice, they all come back to the supposedly “traditional” need to control women, especially young girls’, sex and sexuality. In addition audiogram, in some cases, are necessary for imaging diagnostic, such as vascular Doppler, CT or magnetic resonance brain. cialis lowest prices It cheapest viagra utilizes natural healing techniques. They result in dysfunction of the cranial brain. order tadalafil online You won’t be a complete order cheap cialis success overnight and quit your job next week. The web apps, websites and advocates for victims of this practice, as described in the article, attest to the brutality of the practice and to the feeling among victims that this is oppressive. The very fact that cutting usually happens below the age of consent is reason enough that we, as a world community of humanitarians, feminists and fellow human beings, must speak out against this practice, just as we must speak out against other forms of violence against women. Cultural and tradition cannot be held up as veils to shield this kind of egregious violence and attack on basic human rights to control over one’s body.

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Trigger Warnings in the Classroom?

A co-authored piece, “Trigger Warnings Are Flawed,” appeared in Inside Higher Ed earlier this year to explain how the movement to introduce trigger warnings into a classroom setting is already having a “chilling effect” on pedagogy. The authors proceed to present ten reasons to press back and four more salutary measures we could take to better address the needs of students.

Yet, the movement remains very much alive. Earlier this week Angela Shaw-Thornburg contributed a piece to the Chronicle of Higher Education, “This is a Trigger Warning,” explaining how much suffering she might have been spared were such warnings in place during her education. She concludes,

Language is powerful, images even more so. A word or an image is as capable of triggering hurt or delivering violence as a fired gun. To blithely introduce powerful, rousing images of violence into your classroom, to tell your students that these words and images are worthy of thought and study, and then to deny that such stuff might at least bruise those students is the worst kind of hypocrisy for those whose stock in trade is the word. Our students deserve better.

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As always, comments are most welcome. If you think I’m being hard-hearted, by all means, speak up. Or, if you have implemented such warnings in your own classroom (or been pressured to do so), please share your story.

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More Fat-Shaming

Following up on other related posts, this just in from NPR: “A Fresh Cry Of Pain: Fat-Shaming In Science.

From an interview for a lab position:

“She told me that her team did a lot of collaborative work in this lab, and she didn’t need someone who was going to ‘eat more than their fair share of the pizza, if you know what I mean.’ ”

“I didn’t know how to respond. I offered a weak smile and said I didn’t really know what she meant.”

“She looked up abruptly (she had been staring at my stomach) and said, ‘I think we’re done here.’ I sent her three follow-up emails, but she never wrote back.”

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Now I have some reservations about doctors who smoke, but they should know that weight is way more complicated and that such discrimination is totally unacceptable. Yet, another anecdote: I wrote a friend in med school about helping to promote the blog, to which he happily assented, but he also remarked in his response how surprised he was about all of the fat-positive content. The message he’s getting in school is that obesity is unequivocally evil. 

I would be especially curious for a legal perspective: that scientist’s remark seems actionable!

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Health Care and Climate: President Obama’s Big Deals

Many of you will have already seen Paul Krugman’s Sunday Op-ed piece presenting a defense of the Obama presidency that can be summed up succinctly: “Health reform is a very big deal; if you care about the future, action on climate is a lot more important than raising the retirement age.”

I post it here mostly as an occasion to remind readers that IJFAB has an upcoming special issue “Health and Ecological Destruction: Fracking and Beyond” with submissions not due until January 1, 2016. Guest Editors are Laura Purdy and Wendy Lynne Lee. Follow the link to read the complete CFP. I quote just in part:
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Many of us now live in disbelief at the deliberate dismantling of the conditions required for human (and nonhuman) flourishing by people apparently oblivious or disdainful of the consequences. If these forces continue to prevail, it is only a matter of time before the consequences of widespread lack of access to clean water, air and land pollution, desertification, and deforestation, will drastically reduce human life spans, and quite possibly lead to human extinction. The process will exacerbate the fight for survival at all levels, from the individual to the national.

Please, consider preparing a submission to help address this crucial issue.

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Gender Inequity in Philosophy

It is well known that men outnumber women in philosophy – as students, as academics, as authors and as perceived authorities. The imbalance can seem intractable and firmly entrenched; it is discouraging to our students and potentially distressing for those women who are isolated in departments full of men. The alleged reasons for the imbalance are many and varied, some of them not too distant from sexist stereotypes about women and rationality.

I’d like to direct IJFAB Blog readers to a new and insightful analysis of this issue, edited by two philosophers, Katrina Hutchison and Fiona Jenkins. The collection is Women in Philosophy: What Needs to Change? (OUP 2013). The editors also blog about the book, and you can find a review here.

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As well as debunking various myths and excuses traditionally proffered to explain the imbalance, the collection offers some concrete suggestions for change. Let us hope that our male colleagues take the time to read it.

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Women in Film and The Representation Test

Of the top 100 domestic U.S. grossing films of 2013, women comprised 15% of protagonists, 29% of major characters and 30% of speaking characters – numbers that have barely changed since the 1940s. Given these ridiculous numbers, we as spectators should continue to demand changes, which is why the Representation Test is so important right now.


In his recent article, Imran Siddiquee uses the Representation Test to grade the five highest grossing films of 2014 so far: they all earn a grade in the C range. These films are X-Men: Days of Future Past, Godzilla, The Lego Movie, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Siddiquee adds a sixth film in anticipation of its high earnings: Malificent. Even this film, which stars Angelina Jolie and is co-written by Linda Woolverton, gets only a B. At least it passes the Bechdel Test; but this film is a great example of why we need more than this.

The Bechdel Test, which has reached mainstream film criticism in the last five years or so, originated in a 1985 comic Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel. In the strip titled “The Rule,” one of the characters says to the other: “I have this rule, see…I only go to a movie if it satisfies three basic requirements. One, it has to have at least two women in it who, two, talk to each other about, three, something besides a man.” This rule echoes Virginia Woolf’s sentiments in A Room of One’s Own (1929). Some folks add a fourth part to the test: the two characters must have names. The Representation Test expands on the Bechdel Test because the Hollywood problem goes far beyond the issue of the underrepresentation and stereotyping of women; the dominant cinema also tends to marginalize people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBT people.

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“The Clever Stunt Four Professors Just Pulled to Expose the Outrageous Pay Gap in Academia”

This doesn’t really have anything to do with feminist bioethics, but it does tie in with a series of posts Tim ran at the beginning of the year about adjunct exploitation In the area of beneficial generic cialis online testimonials, not one product offers more of all of them than Sildenafil Citrate! This will provide you with the satisfaction which tells you that, identical to the commercials and ads state, it genuinely does work like it’s designed to, and it’ll certainly help you. Autistic children and then adults are very impressionable and are guided in their rare contacts with the outside world, a whole system of fear. viagra in line While it may not viagra properien be a major reason for so many problems in a man. Even as we buy levitra buying this age our arteries harden and body does not flow as easily because it once did. and related issues in the profession. (Click on the category “Academia” in the bar to the right to access these.) Also, it’s just funny. Find the piece at Slate.

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“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally”

From the Commonwealth Fund report:

The United States health care system is the most expensive in the world, but this report and prior editions consistently show the U.S. underperforms relative to other countries on most dimensions of performance. Among the 11 nations studied in this report—Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States—the U.S. ranks last, as it did in the 2010, 2007, 2006, and 2004 editions of Mirror, Mirror. Your brain can distract due to price of sildenafil some other thoughts and become foggy due to these harmful foods. If you are a man with the same problem, contact cialis 5 mg your doctor and get the treatment. Allison Transmission’s sponsorship of the Fisher car will buy cialis mastercard include the placement of its logo on six locations on the No. 67 car. Based on genetics, there are illnesses that produce male http://appalachianmagazine.com/category/appalachian-history/ purchase levitra preponderance. Most troubling, the U.S. fails to achieve better health outcomes than the other countries, and as shown in the earlier editions, the U.S. is last or near last on dimensions of access, efficiency, and equity.


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