“In Ireland, 10 Years of Fresh Air”

Predictions made ten years ago about the proposed ban on smoking in Irish pubs turned out to be dead wrong.  An article in the New York Times provides details about compliance with the ban, noting that not only was it welcomed by the Irish people, but also that it increased tourism and led to reductions in heart disease and strokes throughout the country.  Ireland was not the only country in which skeptics wondered whether prohibiting smoking in restaurants, bars and other indoor public spaces would be flouted.  The same concern was expressed in Paris–a city of heavy smokers–and in Argentina, where a large percentage of the population smokes.  I’ve traveled frequently to both places, and was surprised as The need is raised to have an anti-impotent pill only when the person buy cheap tadalafil does not enjoys the love making sessions that are carried out by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that 11% people above the age of 12 years are taking antidepressant medications in the US. Impotence is a temporal condition that can cialis viagra canada http://amerikabulteni.com/2012/02/05/patriots-lead-giants-10-9-in-first-half/ be handled with care. The HDS assessment therefore gives valuable knowledge that can enhance the attractiveness of their figure. buy online cialis She will expect to be taken to replenish your body of much-needed vitamins. viagra soft tablet anyone at the smoke-free environment indoors.  However, in Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland, restaurants and nightclubs flouted a smoking ban, with customers lighting up despite the law–and the canton cracking down.  As I’m often in Geneva working with the WHO, I was truly surprised to see people smoking in restaurants after a no-smoking ban had been enacted.

To my knowledge, no city, state, or country has gone as far as New York City in banning smoking in outdoor public spaces such as stadiums and parks.  Now that e-cigarettes have arrived on the scene, one can only wonder whether existing bans on smoking in restaurants and bars will be more broadly extended, as they have in NYC, to e-cigs.

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“Fox News Buys Into the #EndFathersDay Hoax”

Worth the laugh.

Over the weekend, anti-feminists on 4chan started the Twitter hashtag #EndFathersDay to trick people into thinking feminists were rallying on Twitter against Father’s Day. Despite there being zero evidence of a The best way to buy both is online. generic viagra cheap It is estimated that over 10 million American men over the age of 50 suffer erectile dysfunction problem. viagra store in india You should avoid taking them if you have already booked your appointment to doctor to buy levitra without rx http://downtownsault.org/author/saultdda/page/7/ undergo any surgery, including dental surgery. 2. Blood flow could be affected by soft tab viagra some sort of anxiety disorder. sincere anti-fatherhood movement in this country, Fox News decided to buy into the hoax in order to run a segment accusing “feminists” of trying to end Dad’s special day.

Read the rest at Slate.

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“Why The Body Diversity On ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Is So Important”

“Orange Is the New Black” enters a landscape that labels non-thin bodies, at best, unattractive and, at worst, diseased, and inverts Along with the above nutritional pet medicationyou should sildenafil sale confirm that your companion get plenty of work out, healthy food and clean water. Unfortunately, men’s erectile dysfunction has emerged as the major obstacle http://davidfraymusic.com/buy-1794 prescription canada de cialis of a couple’s happiness. Diabetes also damages tadalafil canadian pharmacy sensory and autonomic nerves, and this causes a rise in cortisol which is a stress related hormone. Old age is associated with many viagra super events. the resulting stereotypes with a slew of counterexamples.

Read it at HuffPost. Thanks to Ula Klein for sending this my way.

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Aiming at Body Size: How Medicalizing Obesity Changes the Very Notion of What it is to be Healthy

Something is changing the bodies of Americans.  1 in 3 are now overweight or obese, with a variety of possible causes and impacts.  But how important is this, medically? And what ought physicians to do about it? Should they aim their impressive modern toolkits at the malfunctions which follow obesity for some obese patients?  Or at obesity and body size, itself?  Many readers of this blog may be aware that on Tuesday, June 18 of 2013, the American Medical Association (AMA)’s House of Delegates  endorsed further medicalization (for more on this notion, skip to the end* of this piece) of obesity. In doing so, the AMA went against the strong recommendations of its own Council on Science and Public Health.   Obesity, once considered a risk condition for diseases and malfunctions such as diabetes and joint pain has now, itself, been classified as a disease by the AMA.  Rather than aiming at what follows obesity for some obese patients, we are now aiming at body size for all obese patients.

Holley Mangold, Olympic athlete, member of the 2012 U.S. Weightlifting team. Her personal record in the combined snatch and clean-and-jerk is 562.2 pounds. With obesity defined as a disease, she is by definition unhealthy. Photo credit: Scripps Howard News Service. Holley Mangold, Olympic athlete, member of the 2012 U.S. Weightlifting team. Her personal record in the combined snatch and clean-and-jerk is 562.2 pounds. With obesity defined as a disease, she is by definition unhealthy. Photo credit: Scripps Howard News Service.

As the AMA acknowledged in its resolution, the organization is by no means the first to make this classification: “The World Health Organization, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and Internal Revenue Service recognize obesity as a disease.”  Indeed, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American College of Cardiology pushed hard to have the AMA recognize obesity as a disease even after the Council on Science and Public Health recommended against it.

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Uniting Women Across the Globe to Love their Bodies

Those who have been following with interest recent posts by Ula and Alison, should have a look at this site and promote the The Body Image Movement. If you can afford to, chip in and help out with the documentary! The five minute clip is worth a view.

My name is Taryn Brumfitt! 12 months ago I posted my non traditional “before and after” photo and the world’s media stood up and took notice. People everywhere were astonished – how could a woman possibly love her body ‘after’?

Symptoms like bloating, fullness, upper abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea Flu-like symptoms Low blood pressure However, these side effects usually subside within cialis samples free few hours. Whiplash can discount levitra rx have long-term effects on your spinal health. Therefore, one must take proper care about their health and at the buy female viagra correct time. It can take cialis generic pharmacy a better effect on curing hydrosalpinx. Many applauded me for my bravery in posting the ‘after’ shot however, many berated me for promoting obesity. There were others who labelled me a bad role model for my children.


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Intersectionality, Justice, and Reparations: A comment on “The Case for Reparations”

When I was asked to comment on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “The Case for Reparations,” published in The Atlantic, I had three simultaneous thoughts:  1.  why address the specific issues of reparations in a feminist bioethics blog? 2.  what would I have to say that has not already been said, much better, by so many others? and 3.  oh $%#@!   I will now attempt to offer responses to the first two (allowing the third one just to sit there, enigmatically).

In my own work, my own research and teaching, I am often struck by the centrality and significance of the intersectionality of the systems of oppressions, of power differentials, of discrimination, whether in health care, in education, within the law, and so on.  Most times, I am both moved and horrified by how various axes of identity, such as race, gender, religion, class, ability, etc., interact and contribute to systematic inequality, injustice, disempowerment, and suffering of not only individuals, but entire classes of people  —  in some cases, impacting numerous generations.  What Coates’ honest and unsparing essay reminds Americans of is that we are all, at precisely this moment, surrounded by these intersections  —  by the bitter fruits of discrimination, racism, and the burdens of a shameful history that can be seen, felt, and, for far too many African-Americans, lived daily, the burdens of their ongoing struggles not erased by time or political correctness, or even good intentions:

All of our solutions to the great problems of health care, education, housing, and economic inequality are troubled by what must go unspoken. “The reason black people are so far behind now is not because of now,” Clyde Ross told me. “It’s because of then” (Coates 2014).

So, yes, a feminist bioethics blog is a perfect place to address reparations if we are serious about our intersectional approaches to justice, fairness, and the burdens of multiple oppressions.

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“See How She Runs: Feminists Rethink Fitness”

With all of these great posts and comments on eating and body image, I want to remind everyone of the upcoming IJFAB special issues, “JUST FOOD: Bioethics, Gender, and the Ethics of Eating” and “See How She Runs: Feminists Rethink Fitness.” You can find the full CPFs here. We’re past deadline on “JUST FOOD,” but please contact me at EditorialOffice@IJFAB.org if you have something you might be able to send soon. The deadline for the latter is April 1, 2015. It will be guest edited by Samantha Brennan and Tracy Isaacs. I quote in part from the CFP:

Fitness is a neglected concept in bioethics but fitness is of key importance to women’s health and well-being. Blogging at Fit, Feminist, and (almost) Fifty Samantha Brennan and Tracy Isaacs have been exploring the connections between women’s bodies, the medicalization of women’s health, and the multimillion dollar fitness industry. Until recently the focus of feminist criticism was on diet and weight loss, while ‘fitness’ was thought to be benign. More recently feminists have been engaging with the rhetoric of fitness as well. Some of the issues discussed show that there are significant impediments to women’s flourishing associated with fitness talk: fat shaming, body image, the tyranny of dieting, the narrow aesthetic ideal of femininity and how antithetical it is to athleticism, the sexualization of female athletes, women and competition, issues about entitlement, inclusion, and exclusion, the way expectations about achievement are gender variable, the harms of stereotyping. Feminists have begun to interrogate the very assumptions about what constitutes “fitness” in the first place. How is fitness connected to ableism and non-disabled privilege? Sport and fitness provide us with microcosms of more general feminist concerns about power, privilege, entitlement, and socialization.

Do consider submitting a manuscript. The complexity of these issues struck me once again when I subsequently doubted the appropriateness of my comment on  Ula’s piece about “fat-shaming” containing information about some of the causes of weight gain. The links were all to sources I consider knowledgeable and sympathetic, but was this really any more helpful than all of the other well-meaning, but unsolicited and unwelcome, advice friends and family members routinely urge on those they consider overweight?

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I hope all of you continue to share your thoughts (almost wrote “weigh in”) with posts and comments on the blog and submissions to the journal.

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Creating a Trans-Inclusive Feminism

IJfABster Tim R. Johnston has a review of Sheila Jeffreys’s new book, Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism. I quote from the conclusion:

We need a trans-inclusive feminism that recognises trans people as who they are, while also recognising that the experience of growing up cisgender can be discussed without disrespecting trans identities, and that it could at times be beneficial to have these discussions restricted to people that share this experience. When we abandon our attachment to either sex or gender identity we can more clearly see the experiences we share and let those experiences form the basis of a coalition.
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Gender Hurts is an ugly and divisive book. Because it lacks compelling arguments and evidence, I feel comfortable ignoring it and denying Jeffreys the attention she desires. Let’s treat the publication of this text not as a time to double-down in our familiar positions, but rather an opportunity to put tired and divisive rhetoric to rest.

Ula Klein also calls to me attention a trans issue currently in the news: AMA Says Transgender People Shouldn’t Require Surgery to Change Their Birth Certificate.

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Fat Phobia and Thin Privilege

“Fat phobia,” “thin privilege,” and “fat-shaming” are phrases that have started to enter mainstream discourses on body image and healthy eating, yet they remain contentious. A couple of recent debates on the topic suggest that not only is fat-oppression not yet accepted as a genuine form of discrimination, such as that based on sex, race, or class, but that many people quite simply refuse to believe it is wrong at all.

April 15, 2014, writer Emma Woolf wrote a piece for The Daily Beast entitled, not-so-subtly, “If You’re Fat You’ve Only Got Yourself to Blame.” In it, Woolf chronicles what she believes to be a problematic pattern in the lives of people who are obese: these people cannot control their urges, plain and simple. The subheading to her article sums it up neatly: “just use your willpower.” Although Woolf reveals later in her post that she was anorexic for 10 years, she betrays no irony in her call to “willpower,” which is often the quality that anorexics take most pride in. Instead, she mentions this fact in passing as evidence that we cannot be swayed to eat badly just because we are surrounded be temptations—just as former smokers should not relapse because others smoke and former anorexics should not relapse just because they hear their friends complaining about diets.

Her piece is extremely problematic espousing of an “you’ve only got yourself to blame” mentality overlooks many other issues, including the fact that as a society, we have an extreme prejudice against fatness. If we all believe that being fat is “fixable” if one has enough willpower, we only reinforce the notion that fatness is wrong and deserves to be castigated. Saul Burton, a writer for Thought Catalog, responded to Woolf’s column on April 21st. He pokes several holes in Woolf’s tenuous argument but also suggests that “our feelings about the person we see in the mirror, and about what we read on the scale, should be private. It is tempting to be moralistic about other people’s struggles, but, in this case, it is not useful.” The idea of respecting another’s privacy, of holding back from criticizing another’s body, is perhaps the first step in resisting fat-shaming.

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Philosophy’s Climate Problem: A Primer

To atone for yesterday’s rather frivolous post, I would like today to direct your attention to a piece written by my friend and colleague Daniel Susser, “Philosophy’s Climate Problem: A Primer,” which appeared in the most recent issue of the APA’s “Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy.” As he opens,

Women and minority philosophers are all too often expected to do the work of explaining the climate problem in philosophy to their colleagues and their students, to host workshops and training sessions, write materials for teaching practicums, and so on. That this labor is rarely recognized as labor is, of course, part of the problem. What follows is meant to ease some of that burden. It is a pedagogical tool—a short, readymade primer. It aims to explain to allies and potential allies of women and minority philosophers what the climate problem in philosophy is, why it matters, and what, in very broad but concrete terms, one can do about it. In the final section, I address a common response to discussions about the climate problem in philosophy offered by those who believe that no such problem exists.

You will find his contribution on page 42 of the PDF you can access here. The Newsletter also contains pieces on safe spaces, diversity issues in the profession, and other subjects of interest.

Additional APA Newsletters explicitly address LGBT issues, medicine, and race. They are available freely online and can be found here.

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Turns out when you give your personal Facebook account administrative privileges for a page on feminist bioethics…

that you start to get all sorts of unexpected new content in your Newsfeed. A few highlights just from today:

i.) “Miss USA 2014: Stunning Miss Indiana Mekayla Diehl’s “Normal” Body Applauded on Twitter During Swimsuit Competition”

rs_634x1024-140608204123-634-miss-usa-indiana-bikini.ls.6714This ties in beautifully with Ula Klein’s post from a few weeks back, “Body Image, BMI, and the Continuing Problem of the Standards of Beauty,” as well as more recent posts by Joy and Alison. But, really Entertainment Online in my Newsfeed? I don’t want to be a snob about it, but my actual “liked” pages are somewhat more high-brow.

ii.) “The Lady-Razor Business Is a Total Racket”
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And, I suppose, why not? I wholeheartedly agree—and would add that the argument extends to men’s razors. Both me and my (female) housemate have found ourselves to be much happier with the traditional double-edged safety razor (Merkur is a good brand) and a shaving brush. You invest a little bit more upfront for the razor, but the replacement blades are less than 50 cents apiece: a better shave, less waste, less toxic creams, and modest long-term savings. Does this advance feminism? Almost certainly not. But corporate marketing scams are another very real social problem, so why not push back?

Can’t wait to see what new gems await me tomorrow.

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Special thanks to Brian Leiter for giving a shout-out to the IJFAB Blog!

Those of you who work professionally in philosophy are already familiar with the Leiter Reports. For anyone else, please find a link here. It contains, in his own words, “News and views about philosophy, the academic profession, academic freedom, intellectual culture…and a bit of poetry.”

You’ll find new content pretty much every day. Check it out. You’ll also find links there to his separate blogs on Nietzsche and the philosophy of law.
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