Recommended Reading: Andrew Solomon’s Far from the Tree

Knowing something about my work on ethics and atypical sex anatomies in children, several people have recommended Andrew Solomon’s Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity (2012). Each of the chapters is devoted to children with a condition or what might be described as a feature of identity that sets them apart from their parents. There is no chapter that focuses on children with intersex or DSD, but Solomon’s narrative can offer some important insight for parents of children with atypical sex anatomies.

Solomon is knowledgeable about intersex. In developing his project, Solomon writes in the introduction, he “talked to parents of intersex children who couldn’t decide in which gender to raise them.” It will be clear to readers familiar with the critical literature on atypical sex anatomies how Solomon’s analysis has been shaped by work such as Erik Parens’ collection, Surgically Shaping Children. It is unfortunate, however, that Solomon’s characterization of the challenge of intersex focuses on sex assignment. Solomon’s comment not only reinforces a misconception about what atypical sex is, but also fails to convey to his readers how varied (and indeed dissimilar) the different expressions of atypical sex are. And perhaps this is why Solomon didn’t include such a chapter: There are so many differences among the conditions and conventional treatments for DSD that devoting a single chapter to one condition—like congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which affects both genetically male and female children, but at birth results in atypical sex anatomies only in females—could not present a neat representation of the condition in a child and the challenges that parents of children with intersex face.

It would be a daunting task to capture in a single chapter such differences in experience. But perhaps what sets parents of children with atypical sex anatomy apart from those Solomon features is the fact that these parents have been given to understand that their child’s difference is “correctible” (in the case of normalizing surgery) or that it can be effectively concealed—from others and sometimes, from the child him or herself. Parents of children who are deaf might not appear to have a lot in common with parents of children who are schizophrenic, or who identify as transgender. What these parents have in common, as Solomon gently and movingly guides his readers to understand, is that they must come to terms with a condition they have no power to alter in their child.

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Physicians have counseled parents of children with DSD to accept surgical normalization and to conceal their medical history from them in an effort to prevent children from assuming “identities” (intersex? queer? gay?), at odds with their parents’ expectations. This last point may be at the crux of what is challenging about atypical sex anatomies in children, namely the question of who the children are or will be.

We cannot decide who our children are, and this insight may be the most important one may we take from the stories Solomon tells in Far from the Tree. But we can, as Alice Dreger put it in Psychology Today essay, “start getting used to the fact that your children will change you as much as you change them.”

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The Diversity Gap in the Academy Awards

From Lee and Low Books

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100% Men

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3-Parent IVF

In the last week, the UK government has launched a public consultation on regulating a proposed new reproductive technology, variously known as mitochondrial replacement/transfer/donation. At about the same time, it was announced that the US Food and Drug Administration was considering whether to allow clinical trials of mitochondrial replacement technology. And in response a number of commentators, like Marcy Danovsky of the New York Times, weighed in with opinions on the technology invoking the creation of “genetically modified humans” or “3-parent  babies”. See also this article from BioNews.

The fuss is about a still-experimental technology that, it is hoped, will enable women suffering from mitochondrial diseases to avoid passing them on to their children. Mitochondria, the tiny organelles responsible for energy metabolism in mammals, are popularly known as the “batteries” of the cell. They carry some very distinctive bits of DNA, which in part codes for their own assembly. Mutations in that DNA can give rise to malfunctioning mitochondria, and as a result a range of different symptoms, of varying – and unpredictable – severity. Mitochondria are found in the cytoplasm of cells, including the egg cell, and so everyone’s mitochondria are in fact inherited from his or her mother – including the DNA. It’s the only kind of DNA that comes solely from one parent.

This isn’t the place to go into deep technical detail about either mitochondrial disorders or the proposed technology, but the idea behind it in the case of women and families affected by mitochondrial disorders is to replace the malfunctioning mitochondria with ones provided by the cytoplasm of eggs from a donor. Although this has worked in animal models, it’s still unclear whether the same holds for humans, whose reproductive system and embryology may be rather different.

Last year the UK’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) was asked to run a public consultation of attitudes to the changing of the wide-ranging British law governing reproductive medicine to permit further research into mitochondrial replacement, because the law as it stands forbids any kind of manipulation of the genetic makeup of an embryo. The consultation showed that the public, and numerous professional groups, were broadly in favour. (There were some notable, often predictable, exceptions, such as the Roman Catholic church for example.) Accepting this, the government’s next step in the process has been to launch the present consultation on the details of how this technology – always assuming it works at all – should be regulated.
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The problem is that mitochondrial replacement is indeed genetic manipulation – but of a very limited and specific kind, and not at all what most of us think of in terms of “playing God with genes”. Nothing about it is particularly targeted; “the genes” aren’t touched. It’s more like exchanging a box of genes that don’t work with one that does. And the number of genes involved is very small. The DNA of mitochondria codes for 37 genes, compared to the 20-30 000 or so found in the nuclear DNA of the human genome. So the percentage is vanishingly small, and these genes are all about constructing a weird little organelle, which some people hypothesise are evolved from engulfed bacteria; it’s nothing to do with the manipulation of characteristics that we tend to worry about ethically, such as height or skin colour or even intelligence. This also shows up the rhetoric of “3-person IVF” or “3-parent babies”. To my mind at least, you are straining definitions to consider the provider of 0.1% of the genome of a person to be in some sense a genetic parent, and that’s before we get anywhere near the difference between genetic and sociocultural ideas of what a “parent” is.

A disclosure here: I was part of the Oversight Group of the HFEA’s original public consultation on mitochondrial replacement last year. I joined that work with no strong preconceived ideas about the ethics of mitochondrial replacement; I had no particular axe to grind. However, the thing that has bothered me about the ethical debate here is almost total lack of attention being paid to the donors of the “healthy” mitochondria. These will have to come from the oocytes of women without mitochondrial disease. These potential donors have been invisible and voiceless in this debate. All ethical attention, it seems, has focused on the possibility that changing the law in the UK to allow mitochondrial replacement will open up the floodgates of genetic manipulation (possibly the case, but as noted above, the two kinds of genetic “change” are very different), and on the biological and social “unnaturalness” of having 3 people contribute, genetically, to a new individual.  When I have tried in public debate and elsewhere to raise questions about how we can safeguard the health and rights of the women who are the potential donors of mitochondria, I have been dismayed at the way in which crucial issues of recruitment, regulation, exploitation and the potential for global markets in eggs – all issues which have been raised around other areas of reproductive technologies – have been, and continue to be, neglected, while more speculative and science-fiction scenarios receive a lot of print and cyber attention.

Not everything about the bioethics of mitochondrial donation is about women. But it’s disheartening to see how some of the most crucial players in this emerging scenario – the women who donate the eggs which make mitochondrial replacement possible at all – are hidden from view.

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Presumed Incompetent: Treatment of Persons in Long-Term and In-Patient Psychiatric Care Facilities

Over at Feministing, Katie has a pretty solid analysis of the recent case of a woman in an independent living facility who was unambiguously raped by a male employee. After reporting the rape, to which the perpetrator confessed, the survivor was portrayed by the facility as a “flirt” who “flirted mercilessly with that boy” (a 30-year old man) and who was making it up. Katie nicely points out that this reaction, though consistent with the way that sexual assault victims—especially women—are often treated, is complicated by ageism since the woman’s presence in a long-term care facility was taken by some folks to imply that her testimony was unreliable. Philosophers would see this as epistemic doubt of the survivor’s testimony based in part on the fact that the survivor in question is 89, irrespective of her actual competence. Katie mentions that the testimony of folks in long-term care facilities with respect to assault or abuse is often questioned on similar grounds.

Image Credit: Sebastian Bozon, AFP/Getty Images from “One of the most complex and unexamined issues facing elderly care facilities is how to determine if residents with dementia have the mental capacity to consent to sex.”

Image Credit: Sebastian Bozon, AFP/Getty Images from
“One of the most complex and unexamined issues facing elderly care facilities is how to determine if residents with dementia have the mental capacity to consent to sex.”

In this case, the facility didn’t simply doubt the survivor’s testimony. That would be betrayal enough of the provider-patient relationship and the duty of care which they owe to her. In a horrific escalation, the facility transferred her to a psychiatric institution for several days after she reported the crime, during which time she had little interaction with staff and was in what appears to be solitary confinement.  Worse still, a very bad vaginal tear—one which a provider later said was the worst she’d ever seen from an assault—went untreated for the nearly 72 hours of her psychiatric confinement.

This reveals a fascinating—horribly fascinating—overlap between presumed incompetence* based on age and presumed incompetence based on mental illness. Indeed, both are often taken to be signs of cognitive impairment which lead to older persons and mentally ill persons being treated as less-than, as somehow sub-human, as deserving of less respect.   T. Szasz, in a short 2005 article for the Journal of Medical Ethics, argued that while persons confined in mental hospitals are considered potentially competent in law, they are routinely treated as if they were incompetent. We saw this in a British case which recently came to light. In that case, a pregnant  Italian woman in Britain for job training had a severe anxiety attack, after not having taken medication for her treatable bipolar disorder, during which she was confused about reality and was taken for in-patient psychiatric evaluation. Rather than being restored to competency through getting back on her medication and then being set free, she was judged to be a long-term risk to the fetus. While still remaining in an in-patient psychiatric hospital a full 5 weeks later, she was taken for a pre-term C-section on the grounds that her fetus must be removed from her custody. She was not told what would happen and so did not consent to the procedure, and was not told the conditions under which she might regain custody. She is still fighting for custody of her child, 15 months old at the time the story broke in November of 2013. British Member of Parliament John Hemming said, “I think this has a fair chance of being the worst case of human-rights abuse I’ve ever seen. She wasn’t treated as a human being.” This case illustrates how woefully easy it is to assume that mentally ill persons are not only incompetent, but permanently incompetent, much as the elderly rape victim was treated as such. Insofar as long-term care facilities include not only the elderly but also younger disabled persons, we must consider how the mere fact of being in a long-term care facility or psychiatric institution contributes to presumptions of incompetence based in age, disability, and mental illness.

Image Credit: Thomas Day, National Care Planning Council

Image Credit: Thomas Day, National Care Planning Council

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*The phrase “presumed incompetent” has many uses. Senator Carol Moseley Braun once said “I’ve always maintained that black people and women suffer from a presumption of incompetence. The burdens of proof are different. It just gets so tiresome.” The fine book Presumed Incompetent: Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia (Eds. Muhs, Niemann, Gonzalez, and Harris) develops this notion. It is an extremely useful concept for dealing with persons whose group membership or traits—age, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc.—undermines their perceived ability to make decisions or be trustworthy arbiters of their own experience.




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Atrium Magazine

This is a guest post by Alice Dreger

Our program in Medical Humanities and Bioethics at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, in Chicago publishes a magazine called Atrium. Each issue features a specific medical humanities theme to which all contributions, graphic and textual, are specifically tied. (I like to think of it as a tapas journal.) This year I had the privilege of guest-editing the issue, the theme for which was “Bad Girls,” a theme conceived by Atrium’s editor-in-chief, Katie Watson. You can read the whole issue online (PDF).

What especially excites me about the “Bad Girls” issue is how diverse yet cohesive the collection turned out to be. Topics in the issue range from Christian forgiveness during abortions, to oral sex in rehabilitation hospitals, to what Jane Addams might teach us about medical education, to third-gender categories in Samoa, to the importance of traditional “feminine” sympathy at the bedside. Running throughout this wide array of topics, we find common themes: sexuality, dis/ability, reproductive rights, parent-child relations, and attempts by our cultures to fit us into gendered norms.

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The next Atrium theme will be “Counting,” and a call for submissions will be posted shortly.


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True Romance: got consent?


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This Valentine’s Day, folks across the country will be either ignoring the romantic vibes altogether, deriding the holiday, praising the single life, celebrating an ongoing romance, or trying to start a new one. For folks seeking out companionship, relationships can be a minefield, as can sexual behavior. What does this have to do with bioethics, you ask?

Sexual behavior is one of the many ways that things can go wrong—or right!—in human relationships. Even sex-positive approaches to human relationships necessarily involve considerations ranging from physical health (safe sex and prevention of sexually transmitted infections) to mental health (how relationships end, mutually shared expectations, the PTSD and depression commonly experienced after sexual assault).

To prevent the worst health effects of sexual behavior, participants must have a fundamental respect for each other’s autonomy and for each other as persons. The Missouri case of a man who exposed over 300 people to HIV through unprotected sex without taking preventive measures or informing his partners, is an example of lack of respect for others’ autonomy and for them as persons.  It is not really autonomous consent if you don’t know what you are getting into, even if you say yes.

It is sometimes tempting as a bioethicist to view calls to privilege autonomy with some skepticism, especially as autonomy can conflict with beneficence, non-maleficence, confidentiality, fidelity, justice, and other major principles of medicine and nursing.  Classically in American bioethics, autonomy was given significant ordinal priority over other principles in order to counter the abuses of unnecessary paternalism.  But a nuanced and careful view of ethics may sometimes place autonomy second to other principles.

When it comes to sexual conduct, however, the autonomy of each participant must be unquestioned and unquestionable.  Autonomy doesn’t so much trump all other principles as it enrolls them in bolstering it, in part because the harms of overriding it are so severe. These harms include PTSD, substance abuse, self-harm/self-injury, sleep disorders, eating disorders, suicide, and depression.  It may be one (problematic) thing for a physician to say “This patient doesn’t know what he wants because no matter how hard I try to explain the risks and benefits, he still doesn’t understand.” It is something else altogether for someone to say of an intended sexual partner who refuses advances, “She doesn’t know what she wants.”

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Talking about sexual assault and safe sex on Valentine’s Day may seem singularly unromantic.  But lack of genuine consent, whether due to misinformation by a partner or refusing to take no for an answer or not waiting for yes, well, that is truly unromantic.  I won’t go so far as to echo the new saying that “consent is sexy”, as that is a loaded claim.

But true romance can’t happen without it.

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The F-Word

Barnard College’s new podcast series, Dare to Use the F-Word, tells the story of today’s feminists through the ideas, art, and activism that define them. Barnard President Debora Spar, in her new book Wonder Women: Sex, Power & the Quest The herb’s ability to dramatically increase the male testosterone levels has assured males of increased discount cialis penis size, stronger erections, more powerful orgasms and more satisfying sex is a healthy and sound mind and body. If your penis is not enlarged with increased heartbeat then the heart would put more pressure which is harmful for the heart itself. viagra generic discount Negative feelings may also cause problems in generico levitra on line your sexual life, it is essential that you remain mentally and physically fit and healthy. And while the preliminary venture will be developed for iPhone 5, there price sildenafil is also an iPhone 4/4S model, which the people strategy to put in growth should there confirm to be enough need to rationalize it. for Perfection, explains that while most women today struggle with the idea of perfection, they also struggle with the concept of feminism itself. Are the two connected? Read President Spar’s thoughts in this exclusive post.

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Thanks to FeministPhilosophers for the original post…

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How one professor’s American dream — teaching — turned into the American nightmare

The adjunct crises has been picked up by PBS.

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