Your Body is a Battleground

In the New York Times on Friday, January 24, 2014, three stories appeared that demonstrate the degree to which women’s bodies are still battlegrounds for men.

Image by Barbara Kruger, 1989

Image by Barbara Kruger, 1989

The first was good news: the Moroccan law that allowed rapists to escape punishment by marrying their victims was repealed.

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The third displayed the way in which women in the US also lack real citizenship: they are treated as if they cannot be relied upon to make responsible decisions about their own reproductive futures.  They are, as the French philosopher Luce Irigaray remarks, “subject to the tutelage of the state and the church.”  While birth control is medically regarded as basic health care, its inclusion in basic health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act is under attack. In a stunning display of misogyny and sophistry, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee accused those who support the coverage of implying that women are “helpless and hopeless creatures” who “cannot control their libidos or their reproductive systems without the help of the government.” Those arguing for coverage of birth control, he insists,  “want to insult the women of American into making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming and providing them with a prescription each month for birth control.”  Huckabee has compared abortion to the Holocaust and supports a federal ban. So much for trusting women with their own reproductive decisions. But, he also wants to deprive them of basic health care.  Failure to include birth control in basic health care coverage not only insults and injures all American women; it also differentially penalizes women of lower incomes for whom the cost is not negligible.

Mike Huckabee thinks of women just as Balai Mardi does: as fertile bodies he has the right to control.  Anyone interested in justice and fairness must oppose them both.  Whatever “values” they represent do not deserve anyone’s respect.

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Is grad school “professional suicide”?

Continuing our coverage of the debate surrounding graduate education, listen to Erectile viagra side online Dysfunction (ED) is something that is very discomforting. But, the solution sale viagra lies in the intake of food rather you can go ahead and buy OTC drugs online. Don’t think that women have many demands, but if you go through the exact free viagra online way of men, they also desire to complete their wishes. This is the reason why the more info here viagra pfizer online treatment part of the condition, men can have a wide number of men who need help with that area. Karen Kelsky (The Professor is In) being interviewedon NPR’s Marketplace.

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Callous analogies: a blogger reflects on the implications of abortion policy for her own treatment decisions regarding her severely premature infants

The rhetoric surrounding late abortions and so-called “fourth trimester abortions” (in which the fetus is alive after an attempted abortion) touches perilously on the ethical issues surrounding care for very premature infants.

The author of this blog entry at a parenting website, herself the mother of very premature twins, voices what this closeness between the two issues evokes after her own experiences. At 19 weeks gestation—some states place the cut-off for abortion as early as 20 weeks, others around 23—Ms. Bush learned her pregnancy would end early. At 22 weeks, she was admitted into one of the few hospitals with a NICU capable of treating babies born around 23 weeks. Using this very real lived experience as a pregnant woman, she reflects on laws restricting abortion. These laws imply that some kinds of choices about treating severely premature infants are murder by virtue of their analogy to late abortion and “fourth trimester abortions.”

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A quick note: the author uses strong language at one point to express the strength of her reactions. Authors are at liberty to do so in non-scholarly venues.

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The Cruelest Pregnancy

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Thanks to Jeffrey Kittay for the link.

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When Fetal Rights Trump Those of Patient and Family

Numerous strategies by anti-abortion groups to curb women’s constitutional right to an abortion are frequently reported in the news, and come as no surprise.   However, a recent development illustrates novel circumstances in which legal maneuvers conspire to restrict medical decisions by patients and their families even when the right to abortion is not at issue.

On January 8, 2014 a front-page story in the New York Times reported the case of Marlise Munoz, a pregnant, brain-dead woman in Texas who was being kept on life support. Despite the patient’s stated wish –according to her parents– “not to be left on life support,” the Texas hospital invoked a state law that prohibits doctors from removing life support from pregnant patients. In contrast to other cases in which family members of patients on life support have insisted on continuation of medical treatment despite the futility of such treatment, in the present case the parents and husband of the brain-dead patient have been seeking removal of life support.

This case has several peculiarities. One is that the woman is dead.  “Brain-dead” means dead, despite the metaphorical use of the term in common parlance.

Like every state in the U.S., Texas has a law on advance directives: wishes expressed by persons with decisional capacity regarding what they would want by way of medical treatment if they lose capacity and become incompetent.  That law defines “Life-sustaining treatment” as meaning “treatment that, based on reasonable medical judgment, sustains the life of a patient and without which the patient will die.”

Ms. Munoz is already dead, so it is reasonable to question whether the statute is even applicable to this case.  The Texas law also contains the provision that prohibits removing life support from a pregnant patient: “A person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient.”
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Finally, in the absence of a written advance directive, the law provides for the spouse, along with the attending physician, to make a decision to withdraw treatment of an incompetent patient.  However, if the attending physician “refuses to honor a patient’s advance directive or a health care or treatment decision made by or on behalf of a patient,” the case must then be reviewed by an ethics committee, followed by a series of procedural steps.  In the case of Ms. Munoz, the physician told the family that the hospital would not comply with the request to remove life supports based on the Texas law that prohibits removal of life supports from pregnant patients.

The story in the Times quotes comments on the case by several bioethicists.  Arthur L. Caplan states that, “The Texas Legislature can’t require doctors to do the impossible and try to treat someone who’s dead.” This remark misconstrues the nature of the case and in my view misses the point.  The doctors are not attempting to treat a dead body.  They are trying to keep the fetus alive by administering life support to the dead body in which the fetus still lives.  A comment in the article by Thomas W. Mayo comes closer to the heart of the issue:  “If she is dead, I don’t see how she can be a patient, and I don’t see how we can be talking about treatment options for her.”

The case may ultimately be decided on legal grounds –that is, whether the Texas statute is applicable to a dead body containing a living fetus. The ethical question, however, remains:  Should a patient’s advance directives and their family’s decisions regarding removal of life support be overridden by the state’s determination to keep the fetus alive in a dead body?

The Times article points out a claim by critics of the hospital’s action that “the fetus has not reached the point of viability outside the womb and that Ms. Munoz would have a constitutional right to an abortion.” But this case is not about a right to abortion.  It is an instance of restricting the right to a medical decision by a patient and her family because the patient happens to be a pregnant woman.

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United States Receives “C-” on Reproductive Health

According to the report card, the results for reproductive health in the USA are neither encouraging nor consistent across the country. It offers effective cure for sexual weakness pills viagra canada and debilities caused due to excessive hand practice. You can even ask your doctor for alternative options if you are not able to afford some of the expensive erectile dysfunction drugs like levitra pill price. If your spouse is expectant or may perhaps turn out buy tadalafil online to be expectant. It is a blood-flow drug that helps treat man suffering from impotence and improves his relations with wife. viagra 25 mg The report gives the nation a C— overall, largely due to abortion restrictions and cutbacks in support for family planning services.”

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PhD Debt Project

Check out this article and project that will be of interest to people working in the university system. Turns out, even fully funded PhD students are taking out massive loans to cover basic costs and stay afloat during the summer.

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“The point of this project, as I see it, is not to throw these highly educated debtors a pity party, but rather to prove that—as usual—proponents of the current academic status quo are full of it. Kelsky’s goals for the project are somewhat nobler: She wants would-be Ph.D.s to know that “full funding” is ‘only in select cases sufficient to cover real-life living expenses.’ She also wants ‘faculty and administrators to be forced to confront the true financial costs’ of even a funded doctorate, ‘and to recognize their role in a profoundly exploitative and unethical system.'”

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Marlise Munoz

Marlise Munoz collapsed last November as a result of a blood clot in her lungs, which left her on life support.  Her husband and parents were told that, despite the fact that she had not hope of recovery, and had previously expressed a wish not to be left on life support, her life support could not be discontinued.  The reason was that she was 14 weeks pregnant, and a state law covering advance directives prohibits withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from pregnant women.  Although the hospital has not commented on the case, Munoz’s husband says that he has been told that his wife is brain dead.  According to a story in the New York Times, the hospital sees itself as following the law, but the article also quotes a number of ethicists and lawyers who point out that brain death is legally considered to be death, which means that the concept of “life-sustaining” treatment does not apply.


A number of people have argued that the concept of “brain death” is conceptually problematic and some have gone so far as to say that it should be abandoned.  Certainly, there is a contradiction in saying that a dead person is being kept alive by a machine. In this case, of course, the real issue is that Munoz’s (legally) dead body contains a (biologically) living fetus.

Senators and Congressmen are not subject to the insider trading rules that most Americans are governed by, for example, Bernie Mad off and many others were sanctioned for insider trading and abuse of other people’s money. generic tadalafil 20mg The nerve signals from the brain cause the muscles of a penis to relax, allowing for an erection. discount viagra india If you wholesale viagra online want to feel your best and avoid possible harms with too much exercises, make sure you have normal work outs. Let’s discuss 5 psychological problems that reduce sexual desire and hinder the ability to perform in bed. viagra discount store In 1974, Willard Gaylin wrote an article for Harper’s magazine that explored some of the ethical issues that might arise from the then-recent Harvard criteria for brain death.  He envisioned the development of hospital-like centers, which he called “bioemporia,” that housed legally dead, beating-heart cadavers, or “neomorts.”  Neomorts could be kept artificially alive and used for a number of medical or scientific purposes, including harvesting organs or blood, training new doctors to perform complex procedures or ones that could be embarrassing for patients, or manufacturing hormones or antibodies.  He notes, though, that many people will find this whole “philanthropic endeavor” repugnant.

Yet maintaining pregnant women who are brain dead on life support seems for at least some people to be an exception to this response to neomorts.  A systematic review identified 30 reported cases between 1982 and 2010, though the actual number will be higher than this; it is not clear how often these situations are published as case reports. It may well be that some of these women would have gladly had their (biological) life prolonged if it meant a chance for a healthy child to be born.  My concern here, though, is with the broader question of why, for many people (including these women), the kind of revulsion that many people experience when thinking about neomorts, in general, does not occur at the thought of a pregnant neomort maintained in order to gestate.

One possible explanation is that our cultural view of motherhood includes the idea that women should willingly make sacrifices for their children, and this idea is even stronger when it comes to pregnant women making sacrifices for their fetus.  Some ethicists have argued that pregnant women are often viewed as mere “fetal containers”; from here, it is a short step to continuing a pregnancy after the pregnant woman herself has ceased to exist.

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How Academia Resembles a Drug Gang

“The academic job market is structured in many respects like a drug gang, with an expanding mass of outsiders and a shrinking core  of insiders. Even if the probability that you might get shot in academia is relatively small (unless you mark student papers very harshly), one can observe similar dynamics.”


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Read the full post here.

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New Abortion Regulations in Texas

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Read the full article here.

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Peter Singer and the Make-a-Wish Foundation

Peter Singer on the difference between “heartwarming” charities, and charity work that has the greatest impact.

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Drug Store Ethics?

Last summer, David Lazarus wrote in the L.A. Times about CVS’s prescription drug rewards program, which requires patients to sign a HIPAA release form in order to obtain rewards.  Neither Walgreen’s nor Rite-Aid require a release for their programs, so it can’t be necessary to run the reward program itself.  Lazarus also notes that the final screen encountered during the enrollment process asks you to acknowledge that “my health information may potentially be re-disclosed and thus is no longer protected by the federal Privacy Rule.”

I periodically get letters from my pharmacy (Walgreen’s), informing me of the opportunity to participate in a clinical study being run by a contract research organization.  The letter seems to be sent to anyone taking a specific medication, since I don’t actually have the condition that is being studied.  The letter says that they have not shared any of my personal information with the company, and that “[t]his letter and study should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement by Walgreens.” It is even explicit that they have been paid to send the letters.  All of that said, though, I find the idea that a pharmacy has joined the advertising business deeply distasteful.
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So, what ethical standards do you think should govern the policies and practices of pharmacies, especially large chains?  And should we be looking to bioethics, or to business ethics, to think about these cases?

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